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  • 银牙传说WEED 第6话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP6 - Imminent Ambition




As they are falling, Weed uses the wind currents around them turn Kaibutsu's body, with his back facing the gorge. Ken and Kagetora let go of Kaibutsu and all four of them fall down below. GB and Mel rush dowin to help them, as Ken drags Kagetora out of the river in the gorge, and they see that Kaibutsu has gotten impaled on the chest by the spike of a log above the river and is dead. However, Weed and Jerome are nowhere to be found and the four of them try finding them, suspecting that they had fallen down the waterfall at the end of the gorge. Some distances away, Weed holds Jerome tightly, as Jerome tells Weed to let him go and that his usefulness has finished, but Weed refuses. Soon, they are rescued but the human helicopter from before comes down towards them, probably to collect Jerome, as he is the only survivor in his group. Jerome violently refuses to go back with the humans and says that he is one of the Ohu soldiers now, barking severely at them, to which the helicopter leaves. Peace is restored in paradise for a while. Meanwhile, one week later, Hook ventures into the Northern Alps and gets attacked by Nero and his gang. However, he is rescued by Gin and his close friends Akame the kishu and John the German Shepherd. Hook informs them about Sakura's death and the birth of Weed, to which the trio thanks him and moves on. Somewhere in the Japanese Alps, Nero is speaking to someone in a little hut, surrounded by many other dogs, telling him of the trio. The dog in the hut tells him to come inside the hut so he can hear him, to which Nero complies and instantly get killed. The dog inside the hut, a harlequin Great Dane comes out, saying that losing to the Ohu soldiers means it is too embarrassing to live. He then orders a borzoi trio to go and find the Gin and his subordinates. Meanwhile, in a snowstorm, an akita inu called Reika spots Gin and his friends and says that her father was one of the soldiers who fought against Akakabuto. She takes them an empty cabin to rest and is bringing food for them when she stumbles upon the leader of the borzoi trio, Rocket. He say says that he works for someone called Hougen asks about Gin and she lies that she hadn't seen them. However, as she makes her way to the cabin, Rocket and his brothers spy on her and get to know where Gin is. Reika informs them about Rocket's saying, to which Akame says that he had heard that Hougen is troublesome. Reika goes out and Akame hears a noise, to which he goes outside and finds an entire army of dogs waiting for them. The Great Dane from before comes towards the cabin and both John and Gin also come out. They introduce themselves and the Great Dane treats them in a rude manner and says that he is Hougen. He orders his entire army to attack the trio and Gin orders Akame to escape and go to Ohu to inform Weed about this. Right after Akame leaves, Gin and John see that Hougen has taken Reika as hostage and threatens to kill her if they oppose him. Hougen orders his army to beat John and Gin to death. Meanwhile, at Gajou, Weed and the rest of the Ohu soldiers bury the ones who have died due to Kaibutsu.


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