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  • 银牙传说WEED 第5话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP5 - Released Decision




A human helicopter comes towards Gajou, containing one of the human scientists who was attacked by Kaibutsu. Kaibutsu jumps out of Gajou and roars, scaring away three of the dogs. He questions why they are supporting the humans and trying to kill him, especially to Jerome. Jerome replies that humans are dogs' best partners and that Kaibutsu, originally being a dog, has killed and eater humans, which is something Jerome considers unacceptable. Kaibutsu says that humans had originally betrayed him by torturing him through genetic experiments and mutated his appearance. He reminds Jerome of how he would soothe and comfort Kaibutsu during his days as a genetic experiment and how he would give him strength to live and bear the pain. He insists that he had lost all positive feelings towards everything and has truly become a man-eating beast, laughing maniacally. In anger, GB, Ken Kagetora, Weed and Mel attack him and he manages to push them away. Jerome's group runs towards the other side of Gajou to lure him, Jerome calling him by his laboratory name, P4 to anger him. Robert, Rocca and Heuler attack Kaibutsu on Jerome's order and make a deep wound on his chest, but in turn, all three of them get killed. As Jerome attacks, Weed and the others hold Kaibutsu to make sure he is distracted, giving Jerome enough time to dig deep into his chest and bite his arteries. As they try to rescue Jerome Kaibutsu grabs Kagetora and tries killing him but Jerome nips his arteries again, causing him to let go. Kaibutsu manages to pull Jerome off him, but Jerome quickly catches his jaw and pulls him down in the gorge between the cliffs. However, Kaibutsu is still alive and bites onto Jerome's ribs. He manages to climb up to the edge of the cliff, holding Jerome in his mouth. Kagetora sees that Jerome is still alive and says that his uncle, Akatora died just like Jerome's squad, to injure the enemy so that others could kill him. Kaibutsu throws Jerome down the gorge when he sees that the dogs are still wanting to fight, causing Ken, Kagetora and Weed to push him of the cliff in rage. They start falling down, when Weed notices that if they land the way they are falling, they all will die.


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