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  • 银牙传说WEED 第19话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP19 - A Fool's Disposition




As they are returning to their own secret location, the Ohu army comes across a desperate dog called Shingo, who says that his friend is drowning. Kyoshiro identifies the dog as one of Hougen's soldiers and is suspicious of him, but Weed and the others rush to help the dog who is drowning. The Ohu army arrives at the spot where the dog leads them to and find that the dog in danger is Toube. Everyone jumps into the river to help him and drag him up, as Musashi looks from afar. At Gajou, Hougen is shocked to hear that the Ohu army has gathered over 300 soldiers and in anger almost chokes Kamakiri to death and warns him that if he fails in the next mission, he will be killed. In the Ohu army's secret location, Moss, Musahsi and the other old Ohu comrades weep after seeing the fang of the deceased John, which Hook has delivered to Ohu. Mel informs them that Toube has awoken and while Weed tells Toube that he is glad that Toube survived, Toube bluntly asks him if expects him to change sides for saving him. Musashi comes to talk to him and it is revealed that during his days as a fighting dog, Musashi was defeated only by Toube. Musashi demands to know why such a determined and respectable dog like Toube joined Hougen's army, to which Toube replied that when he heard that Musahsi was in the battlefield with the Ohu army, he himself wanted to fight in the battlefield too and when he saw that being with Hougen's army could give him that opportunity, he joined it. Toube tells the Ohu army about Genba and his soldiers' death before walking out, claiming that he wanted to take revenge on Hougen for treating Him so badly. Weed says he should rest first and Toube refuses at first, but due to exhaustion falls and becomes unconscious and is dragged back to the secret location. The dogs who escaped from Hougen's army when they saw what he did to Toube, Shingo and Kerry thank the Ohu army for taking care of them and decide to go back to their homelands instead of joining Hougen again. Shingo tells the Ohu army about Hougen and Genba's cruel and cannibalistic past before going. On their way to their hometown, Kerry advises that they should join Hougen's army again and report to him that the Ohu army has much less than even 200 soldiers, to which Shingo is horrified, but Jerome jumps out on Kerry and threatens to kill him if he does anything like that and both Shingo and Kerry quickly escape in fear. The Ohu army sits down to have their meals and GB offers Toube a bird, but Toube says he doesn't like bird-meat, to which GB sets out to find a snake for him. He doesn't find any snakes but sees a mouse and as he tries to catch it, he bumps with another dog and soon another dog comes and finds them. GB realizes that he has accidentally entered the enemy territory and introduces himself as a follower of Hougen called JinBei. He finds some food and is forced to take it along with the other followers of Hougen into Gajou. While searching for an exit, GB comes across the chamber where an unconscious and weak Gin is kept. He comes outside Gajou and comes across Sasuke, his old friend. Meanwhile, at the secret location of the Ohu army, Weed, Ken and Kagetora begin to worry about GB when he doesn't return and they go out to find him. Musashi asks Toube how their leader is and Toube replies that he's an idiot. However, Ben and Cross question whether he really thinks that. Back near Gajou, GB and Sasuke have a friendly conversation and Sasuke reveals how he couldn't find his owner and was captured by Hougen's minions and was forced to work to death for him. GB and Sasuke plan to escape Hougen's army, but the two dogs who bumped into GB from before finds out about this and Sasuke lets it slip that JinBei is not actually GB's name. The two minions of Hougen give them a chase and catch Sasue and GB tries to rescue him. Ken, Kagetora and Weed arrive at the scene and rescue Sasuke and GB, who loses consciousness due to tension. They go back with Sauske to the Ohu army and GB wakes up and informs Weed about the place Gin's kept in. Sasuke lets it slip that GB is Weed's godfather, embarrassing the English setter. Toube decides to join the army since both of their goals are to take down Hougen.


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