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  • 银牙传说WEED 第22话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP22 - Father and Son




Kyoshiro arrives at the riverbank with Gin, but far from the Ohu army. Kamkiri's army desperately searches for them, as Stone, Kamkiri's assistant asks his boss whether he should report the escape of Kyoshiro and Gin to Hougen or not and Kamakiri angrily snaps at him and sends him to Hougen. He then orders a part of his army to split up and find Kyoshiro and Gin, as Jerome and his bodyguards watch from afar and Jerome sends one of his bodyguards, Ryo to report this to the Ohu army. As Weed and Akame arrive at the Ohu army's secret location, everyone comes out to greet them, but Weed is surprised that Gin and Kyoshiro still haven't arrived. GB, Hiro and Musashi report about Toube's death and they mourn for him when Rocket suddenly appears with Ryo and reports about Kamakiri's search for Gin and Kyoshiro. Weed takes GB, Ken, Kagetora, Tesshin, all the Kai-kens except Kurotora and Tesshin's clan of ninja dogs to go with him and rescue Gin and Kyoshiro. Although Hiro wants to come, Weed tells him they are not going there to defeat Kamakiri and that he should stay back. At Gajou, Hougen kills Stone when he brings him the news about the hostages escaping and orders Kite, Batt and Buruge to strengthen their armies and protect Gajou. Meanwhile, a small part of Kamakiri's army come near Kyoshiro and Gin and Kyoshiro hides Gin and attacks them all by himself but they manage to pin him down and as the Ohu army passes them by, they hide with him and keep him quiet. Back at the Ohu army's secret location, Hiro decides to go and help the Ohu army, since Kamakiri killed his father once and now he considers Gin his father and Kamakiri is now after his second father, and he requests Reika to tell everyone that he didn't disobey Weed but rather put his life in line to protect the leader. While on their search for Gin and Kyoshiro, Weed and the others run straight into Kamakiri's army and a battle breaks out between the two armies. Meanwhile, Hiro reaches the small group of Kamakiri's soldiers who are torturing Kyoshiro to know where Gin is and brutally castrates most of them. Hiro tells Kyoshiro to take leader back to the Ohu army's secret location, but Kyoshiro refuses, saying that he can't lose over and over again. Hiro then tells him about Toube's death and tells Kyoshiro that the leader is the father of everyone in the pack, so he should take care of him and leaves, while Kyoshiro takes the leader back. Meanwhile, Kamakiri's army fight mercilessly with Weed's smaller army. Hiro arrives and informs Weed that the leader is alright and starts attacking Kamakiri in revenge for his father. The two dogs fight vigorously and Kamakiri says he is aiming to rule the world and that he'll let Hiro meet his father in the other world. Hiro uses a trick to lure Kamakiri and then chop of his fangs and then castrate him, making him humiliated and unable to fight back. With the downfall of their boss, Kamakiri's army flees in fear and Kamakiri helplessly calls out at them to stop and when they disappear, starts fuming with rage and grief at his defeat. As Weed's army leaves, Hiro advises Kamakiri to let the feelings of others sink in and become a better person and to head south, where there are rats, something he'll be able to catch even without his fangs. In extreme anger, Kamakiri tries to bite Hiro as he leaves, but loses grip due to the absence of his fangs and falls down. Tears begin forming in his eyes and he is left lying on the ground, screaming in anger and grief but ultimately succumbing to blood loss as crows begin to surround him to eat him. Weed's army finds Kyoshiro and Gin and carry them back home as Weed and Hiro begin to feel the warmth of their fathers; the former for finding him and the latter for defeating the murderer of his father.


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