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  • 银牙传说WEED 第4话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP4 - Succeeding Soul




The shadowy group of dogs introduce themselves as domesticated dogs whose duty is to kill Kaibutsu. The leader of the group informs them that Kaibutsu is not a monster but a genetically experimented dog created by the humans. The group of dogs were originally guard dogs of a research center where Kaibutsu was being experimented on. Many years of experimentation by the humans are responsible for Kaibutsu's mutated appearance. Kaibutsu apparently broke free from the laboratory, killed many humans and escaped into the mountains. When the Ohu army insists that they help the guard dogs to fight Kaibutsu, as Kaibutsu had killed many of their soldiers too, the group of dogs take no notice and runs forward. The group of dogs jump from a cliff up ahead and reaches the cliff on the other side, where there is Gajou. The Ohu army is a little scared to follow them, but Smith tells them that most of the Ohu soldiers had jumped the cliff and the one who reaches the other side is considered a true soldier. Weed and the others jump form the cliff, even Mel and Smith and manage to reach the other side and the group of dogs finally become ally with them. The leader of the group is Jerome the German Shepherd and with him are his four comrades: Robert the American foxhound, Rocca the Doberman pinscher, North the Hokkaido dog and Heuler the Gascon saintongeois. Jerome wants Weed to lure Kaibutsu out of Gajou, so that they can all attack him together. He says that Kaibutsu has exposed arteries on his chest that, if torn, can kill him. Weed agrees and North is sent to navigate for him. As they go deeper inside Gajou, Kaibutsu makes a sudden attack, killing North and throwing his corpse out of Gajou. Weed tries to tear Kaibutsu's arteries, but only tears his skin. Smith goes inside Gajou to help Weed, inspired by how Jerome and his squad are ready to give away their lives for their mission. Smith pushes aside Weed and bites onto Kaibutsu's neck, as Kaibutsu continuously smashes himself and Smith against the rocks to rid himself of Smith. Due to the constant smashing on them, hundreds of rocks finally crashes down on Kaibutsu and Smith, crushing Smith to death. His corpse is dragged outside Gajou, as Weed, Mel and GB mourns at his death. Inside Gajou, Kaibutsu is shown to be alive even after getting crushed by rocks as he questions why the dogs are taking the human's side.


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