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  • 银牙传说WEED 第25话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP25 - The Raging Stream




Weed and Rocket arrive at the place where Mel and Hiro are and they tell them about the incident that took place a moment ago. Weed orders Rocket to take care of the two, as he goes to fight Hougen. In the river, Hougen uses Reika as a support and gets back on land as Jerome swims after Reika. He grabs her and holds onto a rock as Weed arrives and holds out a branch at him and drag them back onto land. Weed goes after Hougen while Jerome wakes Reika up and calls for his bodyguards to take care of her. Hougen stumbles upon a Great Dane called Haronosuke, who has escaped form Batt's army after Batt's defeat. Hougen allows him to escape and then disguises Haronosuke's footprints as his own while wiping out his actual footsteps. Weed comes and falls for Hougen's trick and goes at the direction Haronosuke went. However, Jerome comes soon after him and is able to catch Hougen's trick by recognizing the difference of scent between Haronosuke and Hougen and seeing the branch Hougen used to wipe away his own footprints. Weed spots Haronosuke and mistakes him for Hougen and launches a Battouga at him, but only covering him in ice as a result. When asked about Hougen, Haronosuke tells Weed where he last saw him and Weed rushes back. Meanwhile, back at Ohu army's secret location, GB watches Gin getting better when he suddenly sees Kite, Batt and Buruge behind him. He mistakes them for enemies, but Sasuke arrives and tells him that they had been defeated and he was told to bring them here. Gin tells the three to get into the hot spring he's in, since it can heal wounds easily, and Kite, Batt and Buruge, moved deeply by the leader's kindness, begin to cry out of regret before going into the hot spring. Gin tells GB to go to where Weed is and GB obeys immediately. As the older Ohu comrades fight the remainder of Hougen's army, Ken, Kagetora, Tesshin and Kyoshiro rushes after Weed with two of Jerome's bodyguards, Ryu and Ryo, while the other two escort Reika to the battlefield. On his way to find Weed, GB spots Hougen and arrogantly attacks him, but gets pinned down easily. Jerome arrives and saves GB and introduces himself to Hougen. Hougen recognizes him as the murderer of Lecter and Thunder and prepares to fight him, but GB grabs one of his hind legs, distracting him as Jerome jumps down on him and pushes him right at the river. However, just as Jerome is about to push Hougen into the river, the bullet in his leg causes immense pain and paralyzes him, causing him to let go of Hougen. Hougen, in intense anger, grabs him and beats him against rocks and as Weed arrives, throws him into the river, laughing maniacally. Weed jumps into the river to save Jerome as Hougen leaves without harming GB. The river leads into a snow-covered cave and Weed and Jerome hold onto some rocks as the water flows past them. Ken, Kagetora and the others arrive to see an injured GB, who is doubtful about Jerome and Weed surviving the 500 meters of snow that lay ahead of them. Weed and Jerome apologize to each other and Weed comments on how cold it is and Jerome tells him about the spring of Ohu to cheer him up. Due to the coldness, Weed falls unconscious and Jerome desperately tries to keep Weed's head above water, keeping his own body submerged in water underneath Weed. Above them, Ken, Kagetora and the others search for them and Kyoshiro smells blood and locates them. As they desperately dig through snow to rescue them, Jerome, who has taken in too much water to save Weed, feels relieved that everyone has arrived and Weed can be alright. He lets go and drifts away from Weed. He tells his past friends like North, Robert, Rocca, Heuler and even Kaibutsu to wait for him in the other world as he drowns in the river and floats away.


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