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  • 银牙传说WEED 第21话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP21 - Infiltrating Gajou




On his way to Gajou, Toube spots Kamakiri's army at the river and comes across Jerome who assures him that Kyoshiro hasn't betrayed them. Jerome says that if he goes to Hougen's place, he'll die, but Toube says that he isn't going to fall out like weakling and approaches Kamakiri, who decides to take him back to Gajou. At Gajou, Buruge's troop comes back with Kyoshiro as a part of it. However, Batt, who is blind, senses Kyoshiro's true intentions with something he calls his 'mind's eye' and points him out as an enemy spy. Hougen's attacks Kyoshiro viciously even though Buruge tries defending him meekly. However, Toube arrives with Kamakiri's army and he requests Hougen to let him kill Kyoshiro. As they fight, Toube reveals his true intentions about rescuing the leader and Kyoshiro, as a part of the act, jumps and reveals his true identity. Toube knocks Kyoshiro unconscious, telling Hougen that it would be better to execute him in front of the whole Ohu army. However, Batt sees through Toube's true intentions and warns Hougen about it and Hougen takes Kamakiri with him for a talk. Kyoshiro is kept in the same chamber Gin is kept in and at night, a snowstorm begins, causing all the guards to go to sleep and allowing Toube to freely walk into the chamber. However, Batt's guards see him and Batt reports to Hougen about this and Hougen orders him to chase after them and recapture Gin, but not kill him. Meanwhile, Weed and Akame go through a secret passageway inside Gajou to help Kyoshiro and Toube with their mission. Meanwhile, right above them, Batt's army rushes towards the chamber where the hostages are kept and due to the rocks being loose, some dogs fall underneath and into the secret passageway, coming face to face with Weed who starts acting as a distraction while Akame runs to rescue Gin. As Kyoshiro and Toube are rescuing Gin, they come face to face with Kamakiri's army, having set up there by Hougen. Akame quickly appears and leads Kyoshiro and Toube away with Gin and drops huge rocks in the passageway, blocking away Kamakiri's army. As his army is chasing Weed, Batt senses something wrong with his mind's eye and orders half of his team to go after Weed, while the other half comes with him to where he thinks the problem is. The 'problem' is the actually Akame, Kyoshiro and Toube escaping with Gin and as they hear Batt's army coming, Akame orders Kyoshiro and Toube to go away with Gin, which they do, while he stays behind and when Batt's army arrives at the scene, Akame jumps on icicles on the chamber's rooftop, dropping them at Batt's army and he escapes through another passage and Batt's army follows. Meanwhile, hearing the commotion in Gajou, Hougen decides to see what's going on. Akame meets up with Weed as they escape from Batt's army and as they use a passageway that leads them to a higher place on Gajou and they and come outside, Weed comes face to face with Hougen, but manages to escape. Kamakiri's army reaches the chamber where the icicles had been dropped on Batt's army a moment ago and go through the same secret passageway Toube and Kyoshiro had used. As they hear Kamakiri's army coming, Toube tells Kyoshiro to carry Gin and go away, while he blocks Kamakiri's army, to which Kyoshiro complies with hesitation. Kamakiri's army arrives and begins to viciously attack Toube, who tries to make the dogs see the pointlessness of being in Hougen's army, but at that, they begin attacking him in more numbers. At the Ohu army's secret location, Musashi, Hiro and GB begin to worry about Toube and Kyoshiro being late and decide to go and check what has happened, as Kyoshiro reaches the river, carrying Gin. At the fight scene, Kamakiri's army is unable to bring down Toube as Kamakiri watches in dismay and the fighting dog kills twenty-seven of Kamakiri's soldiers, but in the end, Kamakiri launches a surprise attack on him, sinking his fangs into Toube's skull and paralyzing him. However, Toube refuses to fall down in front of Kamakiri's army and stands with pride, shocking Kamakiri for a moment before he goes off with his army to find Gin and Kyoshiro. Jerome and his Shikoku dog bodyguards, Ryu, Ryo, Hanji and Heita arrive at the scene and when Toube is about to fall, they hold him desperately as Jerome starts to cry. While of Kyoshiro's back, Gin senses that Toube might have died. In the morning, GB, Hiro and Musashi arrive to see the corpses of Kamakiri's twenty-seven soldiers and the corpse of Toube, who has died standing in pride and was frozen in a layer of ice.


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