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  • 银牙传说WEED 第2话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP2 - The Tool Of The General




On their way to Ohu, the trio stumbles across a puppy who is being chased by a human for stealing his goods. Weed and the other save the puppy, but he rushes away without saying anything to them. A nearby pet dog, Hook the Labrador retriever, informs them that the puppy is Mel the golden retriever and that he is the slave of Blue the beauceron, who lives in the nearby mountains. Hook and his brother were originally Blue's slaves and when his brother revolted against him, Blue killed Hook's brother. Weed and GB rush to save Mel, while Smith encourages Hook to come with them. Weed and GB encounter blue and when GB says that they are Ohu soldiers, Blue laughs and says that he is a liar and that the Ohu paradise was destroyed a while ago, which they don't believe. The duo fights Blue and Weed encourages Mel to become stronger and break free of Blue's tyranny, to which Mel attacks Blue. Meanwhile, Hook breaks free of his chain and rushes with Smith to the mountains, vengeful. They defeat Blue's minions while Blue escapes and says that he has a connection to Nero. As Blue is crossing the road, he is hit by a truck. Weed rushes to help him and Blue pushes him away as another truck drives over him. Weed asks Blue why he saved him, to which Blue replies that Weed was the only one who ever showed kindness to him in his life and that he wishes that he could've met someone like Weed earlier, before dying. Smith, GB and Weed continues their journey to Ohu, joined by Mel, while Hook stays behind.


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