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  • 银牙传说WEED 第23话
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Ginga Densetsu Weed EP23 - The War Of Futago Pass Begins




Kyoshiro and Gin are taken back to Ohu army's secret location, where Hiro cheerfully declares the defeat of Kamakiri by him. Reika and Mel take him to rest, while GB takes Gin from Akame and go to put him in a nearby hot spring. The old Ohu soldiers finally are relieved that Gin is alright. Weed wants Kyoshiro to rest too, but Kyoshiro refuses, saying he is ready to fight. Meanwhile, Hougen has got his army to surround the whole of Gajou and protect it. Batt's troop is at the far back in the forest, Kite's troop is behind that and near Gajou's back and Buruge's troop is in the front. A small group of Kamakiri's soldiers come back and inform Hougen about their boss's downfall, to which Hougen realizes why the crows were throwing a tantrum in the last spot Kamakiri was seen. Hougen mercilessly orders his soldiers to kill the few of Kamakiri's soldiers that have come back, calling them victims of the Ohu army. Weed and Rocket watch this from afar and go back to their group, organizing the armies. Weed divides his army into three troops, just like Hougen and tells them to take down the generals of each troop, since if the general loses, his army will flee. The first one is led by Tesshin, whose troop consists of his clan of ninja dogs and Moss and Musashi's army from Shikoku, the second one is led by Ken and Kagetora, whose troop consists of their family members, Kisaragi's sons and a group of dogs from Mutsu and the second one is led by Kyoshiro, whose troop consists of his entire army of youngsters along with Hook and Sasuke. Weed himself will go with Akame and Rocket to launch an ambush attack on Hougen from the inside of Gajou. As the Ohu army proceeds to attack Hougen's army, Akame senses a storm coming and soon, the snow storm starts and battle also begins. The old parents of Ken and Kagetora are easily able to jump the gorge near Gajou along with Hook and Sasuke. Jerome and his group of bodyguards decide to help the Ohu army, when Jerome starts to feel the bullet in his leg paralyzing it, as he remembers Tesshin's words about it becoming an infection but goes to help Weed and the others anyway. The battle finally begins as Ken and Kagetora's troop creates a chaos in Batt's army, allowing Tesshin's troop to move forward undisturbed and attack Kite's troop. Meanwhile, Kyoshiro's army runs straight into Buruge's army and Buruge and Kyoshiro start to fight viciously. Weed, Rocket and Akame get through the guards of Gajou and closer towards Hougen, who is right at the top of Gajou. Kyoshiro and Buruge continue to fight and seemingly, Kyoshiro wins. But Buruge, although heavily injured, gets up and bites Kyoshiro. Buruge recounts how during his struggle to become one of Hougen's generals, he used a technique that made it look like he was defeated to his enemies when he would suddenly jump up and kill them. He calls himself a shinigami and using his surprise attack method, pins down Kyoshiro. Kyoshiro remembers all time Weed had trusted him and wonders whether he is completely different to him. However, Toube's spirit help him to gain strength and determination and using Buruge's own method against him he pushes him away. Buruge, who thought Kyoshiro was long defeated, gets too shocked by this action and Kyoshiro puts a final blow on him to make sure he is defeated. As Buruge's army flees, Buruge begs Kyoshiro to kill him since he lost for the first time, but Kyoshiro says that according to Weed, the battle ends right after the general is defeated. Hougen, seeing the downfall of Buruge's troop, orders his remaining army to protect the front when he notices that Weed is absent from all the Ohu army troops. Hougen realizes what Weed's plan is and when Weed, Rocket and Akame come out, they see Hougen jumping purposefully into the gorge.


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