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  • 星球流浪记 第8话
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Mujin Wakusei Survive EP8 - What's Important in Order to Live




The children now have sources of food and water, but the three-hour round trip to the lake takes up too much time and energy every day, and their only means of carrying water are the plastic bottles from the shuttle's emergency rations, which don't hold much water. Bell and Shingo come up with the idea of digging a pit and filling it with water, using their deflated life raft - which washed up on the beach during the night - to hold and carry the water. After digging the pit, the children head towards the lake, on the way encountering the small kangaroo-like creature from earlier. Sharla finds it cute, and calls it a tobihane, from the verb meaning "to hop" (飛び跳ねる, tobihaneru), but she is horrified when the others want to catch it for food. They reach the lake, which Sharla names "Fairy Lake", and stop to rest. When Howard pushes Luna into the lake, she suddenly feels a strange sensation, and is briefly surrounded by a pink glow. After they find fruit on the trees and fish in the lake, Shingo suggests the idea of building a house in the big tree, which Sharla names "Magnificent Tree" (大いなる木, Ooinaru Ki). As the children inspect the tree, Menori realizes that the footprints left by the elephantine creature they'd encountered earlier were the same as the footprints left in the shuttle's hull after their first night on land. They decide the area around the tree is simply too dangerous, and head back to the beach with the raft filled with water. On the way back, Shingo slips and accidentally spills some water, and Menori's overly strict admonishment is questioned by Luna.

After a few days in which the group is largely unsuccessful at finding food, Bell, Howard and Menori are able to catch the tobihane in a pit trap. Despite Sharla's protestations, the tobihane's leg was injured in the process, meaning it would never survive even if they set it free, and Bell butchers it so that they can eat. That night, as the children eat the tobihane in a somber mood, Sharla tells Bell that she hates him, and runs off. Luna follows Sharla and convinces her to see Bell's point of view, and they return to the fire together. In place of Menori's increasingly ineffective leadership, the children elect Luna as the group's new leader.

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