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  • 星球流浪记 第45话
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Mujin Wakusei Survive EP45 - Father! Mother!




The children find a door in the hull, which opens when Luna holds up her hand. Inside, they encounter a maze of passageways, but drones quickly find them and they are forced to flee. After they run past one section of corridor, a small being emerges from a hatch in the wall, and instantly recognizes Adam. The small being, who speaks a language only Luna and Adam can understand, asks the children to follow him, but assuming him to be another enemy, they run from him. When the drones chase the being instead of them, they realize they can probably trust him, and when he appears in front of them from another hatch, they decide to follow him.

He leads them to a room near the bottom of the spaceship that's hidden from Survive's control, where Chako, realizing the being is a robot, reprograms him to speak a language the children can understand. He introduces himself as Tswarkom, but Chako decides that's too difficult to pronounce and dubs him Tako. Tako shows Adam a message from his parents, in which they explain they placed him in the ruins to keep him safe from Survive, to be awoken from cold sleep after the planet's restoration was complete. The ruins would also provide someone to take care of him - Luna - but in doing so would leave them open to infiltration by Survive, which is why it became so cold.

Adam asks Tako where his parents are now, and Tako takes the children to a huge room filled with hovering coffins. Tako lowers one of the coffins to the floor, and Adam's parents are inside. Later, the children realize that regardless of whether they plan to stay on the planet or take the spaceship and leave, they'll need to do something about Survive. They decide to use the hidden room as a base, and ask Tako about food supplies. Tako takes them along a secret tunnel to a forested area by a lake outside the spaceship, where they see the spaceship - and the main terraforming machine - from the outside for the first time.

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