
Mujin Wakusei Survive EP36 - You are a Very Important Comrade




As the children finish construction on the ship and load supplies for the journey, Porte visits each one except Shingo and gives them words of advice and encouragement. The children turn to Sharla to give the ship a name, but she asks for time to think on it. That night, they head back to Everyone's House for their last night on the island. As Menori plays her violin, they think over the many things that have happened to them. Later, after everyone has gone to bed, Shingo finds Porte sitting by the fire. Porte gives Shingo his mechanic's jacket, and the two lie side-by-side.

In the morning, the children find that Porte has died during the night, from space sickness. They tearfully bury him at the foot of the Magnificent Tree, and Sharla announces that the name of their ship will be Orion, the same as Porte's ship. Shingo promises to find Porte's son, and together they leave to launch the Orion. The launching goes off without a hitch, and Pague comes to see them off as they sail away from the island. The long journey to the continent has begun.

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