
Mujin Wakusei Survive EP30 - What Should I Do?




The escapees are becoming increasingly frustrated by the illusory forest, while Porte, Chako and Shingo make some progress in interfacing the gravity control unit with the alien equipment. The children get excited, but Kaoru returns with sobering news - the escapees are starting to figure out the forest. Since Porte needs two or three more days, Kaoru, Bell, Luna and Menori plan traps to slow them down. Adam, looking dejected, sneaks out and finds Pague in the illusory forest outside. He confides in Pague that despite Luna's offer to take him back to their colony with them, he doesn't really want to go - this planet is his home.

The next day, Adam sneaks out again, and Sharla notices he's missing. She and Luna look for him, finding him with Pague. The three escapees also see Pague, though not the children, and plan to kill him to eat. Kaoru reveals his presence to them as a distraction to allow Luna, Sharla and Adam to escape, but though they all get away, Brindo sees the children leaving the forest, and figures out its secret.

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