
Mujin Wakusei Survive EP12 - Everyone's House




As children put some finishing touches on their house, Howard emerges from the forest, leading Bell, who is bowed under the weight of one of the shuttle's seats, intended for Howard's exclusive use. Luna protests that if Howard wants the seat, he should carry it himself. They declare the house almost complete, lacking only a front door, until Menori suggests a shower. Meanwhile, Kaoru works at narrowing a river with rocks to force the fish into a smaller area, but still finds them difficult to catch with his spear. While the other children collect wood to construct a shower room and leaves for shower curtains, Bell and Luna attack a pitcher plant, using logs to occupy the tentacle vines. They miss one, which catches Luna. Bell saves Luna, but berates himself for missing it. Luna tells him to have more confidence in himself. They return with the pitcher to use as a tank for the shower. That night, as Bell muses by the fire, Sharla comes to remind him of all the good things he's done for them.

The next day, Kaoru and Bell find a stand of bamboo - Kaoru uses some to build a fish trap, while Bell brings some back to the house for plumbing in the shower room. Howard refuses to work, insisting on taking a day off, but the rest of the children build the shower room. Dozing on his chair, Howard loses his balance and falls forwards, dropping into the lake - chair and all. Howard blames Bell for not securing the chair properly, but Bell refuses to get a new chair. Howard retaliates by filling the shower's tank with mud, but when Bell stands up to him and calls him out on it, he winds up falling through the shower room, getting covered with the muddy water. He runs off in anger, while the children repair and restore the shower room. Later, Bell goes to find Howard, and brings him back. Howard has the first shower, and afterwards, the children have a party to celebrate the completion of "Everyone's House" (as newly named by Sharla).

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