
Mujin Wakusei Survive EP50 - Because We Love This Planet




Survive has detected the gravity storm approaching, on a direct collision course with the planet, due to arrive in three days. Shingo thinks they can save the planet by using the gravity control unit on Survive's spaceship to create an inverse gravity field, cancelling out the gravity storm. With Survive's computing power, the children test a simulation using the anti-gravity sled's smaller unit, and are successful. However, since the plan requires detaching the gravity control unit from Survive's ship and sending it into the storm, Howard and Menori object, saying they should use the ship to return home while they can - there are no other spaceships or sufficiently powerful gravity control units on the planet. The other children agree that they have to save the planet, and Howard storms off.

Sharla follows Howard into the forest outside, while Kaoru, Shingo, Chako and Tako go to check the condition of the ship, and Bell talks with Menori. Survive wants to carry out the plan immediately, but Luna convinces him to wait - she knows there's no way the other children, even Howard or Menori, would want to see the planet destroyed.

However, another earthquake strikes, and a crack opens up in the forest, swallowing Howard and Sharla. They catch themselves on a ledge, and walk along it, hoping to find a way out. They find the mother pague, who had also fallen into the crack, and Sharla bandages its injured leg. The rest of the children notice that Howard and Sharla haven't returned, and go looking for them. In the crack, the ledge crumbles, dropping the mother pague into the crack, but the children turn up in the anti-gravity sled just in time, and catch her. They return the pague to her child, and they all agree there's no way they can just let the planet be destroyed.

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