
Mujin Wakusei Survive EP25 - For the Sake of the Future




Back at Star Hole, Adam has a dream in which he sees his parents in some sort of control room. He sees his mother coughing, then they place him in the cold-sleep capsule, and he awakes with a start. Later, the children discuss the dream. Chako and Shingo believe the ruins are a spaceship, and want to return with Adam to spend several days investigating. Kaoru takes them there, while the rest of the children move back to Everyone's House. Five days pass while Chako and Shingo investigate every nook and cranny in the ruins, and Adam tries to recall the memory of his parents. Adam eventually remembers his mother's last words - "for the sake of the future", and when he speaks them out loud, the walls light up, and the centre of the room's floor lowers down, revealing a hidden door to the control room.

Chako and Shingo get excited, but Adam becomes downhearted, unable to reconcile the memory of his kind parents with the entities that attacked him and Luna earlier. Shingo interfaces his communications system with the control panel to broadcast a distress signal. Luna and Kaoru arrive with a care package - Kaoru goes back to get everyone else, while Luna comforts Adam. The next day, Chako and Shingo try to make the spaceship fly, but discover it can't lift off because the gravity control unit is broken - Chako realizes that's the reason the gravity was lower in the Eastern Forest. The other children arrive, just as an alert starts flashing on the ship's screen, and the room starts shaking. When the earthquake finishes, a human voice comes from the communications system - someone who picked up their distress call.

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