
Mujin Wakusei Survive EP20 - A-da-m




The next day, Howard volunteers to look after the boy - who seems to be unable to speak - in order to get out of doing more strenuous work. Luna thinks Alduram Gyet is the boy's name, but Howard, unable to pronounce it, dubs him Adam. Chako and Shingo study the card from the ruins. Howard attempts to teach Adam how to steal fruit without being caught, but while Howard is distracted, Adam fills his arms with fruit and starts throwing them around. Menori scolds him for wasting food, and Howard accidentally reveals that he was teaching Adam to steal. Adam tries to help the others in their tasks, but whatever he does to help, Menori scolds him for messing up. Later, Menori plays her violin, and Adam sits listening, enthralled. That night, the children try to teach Adam to say their names, but Adam is only interested in Menori. He tries to get her to play her violin, but Menori becomes angry at him for touching it. Menori tells Luna she has no idea what to do with children, but Luna tells her she just needs to smile.

The next day, Sharla tells Luna about the exchange she had with Kaoru while the others were at the ruins. Adam helps Menori and Howard hang up fish, and reveals that he has already learned how to do it. Later, Luna teaches him that fire is hot, and he catches on almost immediately, looking to Menori for approval. Howard tries to get him to steal food again, but he's already learnt not to. That night, Adam serves dinner. The following day, the children notice the clouds are getting thicker and the weather colder. Howard, in a fit of jealousy, gives Menori's violin to Adam. She becomes furious with Adam. She realizes her mistake when Howard accidentally lets slip that he'd given Adam the violin and reveals that he was jealous, but Adam has run away. Shingo finds him crying in the cleaning area. Menori apologizes and wipes his tears, and Adam speaks her name, then his own. The two walk back to the house hand-in-hand.

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