
Angel Heart EP18 - Family Ties




Xiang Ying continues seeing visions from Kaori's past and hears Kaori tell the semi-conscious Ryo that she also sees herself as a "stray dog", having been adopted by the Makimura family, and Ryo refrains from killing her. Ryo discharges himself from the clinic and encounters Hideyuki who allows Ryo to pass instead of arresting him. Ryo suggests that Hideyuki is the original City Hunter and warns him that s life is in danger. Later, Ryo saved Hideyuki from an ambush and tells the detective that his true mission was to kill Hideyuki, but he abandoned the mission after meeting Kaori. Ryo also decides to join Hideyuki as a "sweeper". Xiang Ying's vision continues to where Kaori selects the name "Ryo Saeba" for him from his list of fake identities and Xiang Ying is accepted as their daughter. Xiang Ying finally awakes from her reverie, and tells Ryo that she had a dream about "Kaori-mama".

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