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  • 天使心 第16话
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Angel Heart EP16 - City Hunter's Qualifications




Xiang Ying prepares to snipe Kishimoto, the man responsible for framing Tanya's father, Kurahashi. Meanwhile, Ryo finds that Kurahashi is working as Mr. Bear, a mascot handing out balloons to children in a playground were Tanya plays. He then leaks information from Kurahashi about Kishimoto to the Taiwan media exposing Kishimoto's corruption. Meanwhile, Xiang Ying is unable to pull the trigger to kill Kishimoto. After the family are reunited, Xiang Ying is distraught at not being able to pull the trigger but Ryo the qualifications for being a City Hunter means more than just killing. Ryo realizes that it is her growing awareness of her new life and the influence of Kaori's heart in her body is slowly changing her.

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