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  • 决斗大师Charge 第36话
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Duel Masters Charge EP36 - Double Duel!


Duration: 22m


Dr. Root and Knight have left to the JDC Headquarters for an important meeting, leaving things in the hands of Boy George and Mimi to look after Hakuoh.

Meanwhile, Shobu who had Bolberg Cross Dragon stolen from him finds out from Soul Phoenix, Avatar of Unity was shining and that Awakening Cards can attract to each other in other words these Awakening Cards can be used to find other Awakening Cards if those cards have been Awakened before only. This was told by Zerobal Holmes to Shobu and Rekuta. Rekuta tried asking him how did he know so much about these cards, but he kept it secret.

On the other hand, Zakira who just acquired Bolberg Cross Dragon plans to send in Miss Kirumi and Jason next to capture Hakuoh. He also punishes Imelda and Hendrix for causing trouble and for also losing to Shobu. He also sends in Gedo secretly to confirm on Hakuoh and bring him back if Kirumi and Jason fail to do so.

Extreme Bucketman and Yu came to visit Hakuoh and others but Bucketman got electric shock from the gates because the building's security was up. Mimi brought them in and told them that Dr. Root and Knight have gone for a meeting to JDC so they brought the security level up. Suddenly someone rang the bell. Mimi saw through the camera that it was Fua Duelist. Boy George straight away transform the building into a defense fortress to protect Hakuoh and sends Shizuka to get Hakuoh out of here if needed.

Kirumi broke the outer defence with her armored spikes and made an entrance into the fortress. But George shot everything the fortress had but Jason blocked them all and they both made their way into the fortress. Shizuka who went to bring Hakuoh saw that Hakuoh had made his new deck. He said he learned how to duel as well because Shobu told him so.

Meanwhile, Mimi and Boy George steps in to duel them Yu told them not to because they are too strong for them. Boy George already left a message for Dr. Root who is busy in the meeting to come back for help. But Hakuoh himself steps in and told everyone that he will defeat these too. Everyone was shocked but when Hakuoh said he can prove it with his new deck. They accepted the duel. This will be the Double Duel. In this duel it will be Hakuoh V.S. Miss Kirumi and Jason. Hakuoh used the same deck against different opponents with different decks.

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