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  • 决斗大师Charge 第32话
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Duel Masters Charge EP32 - Yu, A Precious Child All By Her Lonesome


Duration: 22m


Yu was walking with some flowers to Dr. Roots place to give it to everyone for accepting her as there friend. In front of the building before she entered she heard loud noises of Mimi and Boy George saying and despising about Yu that it was all her fault that Hakuoh ended up in this situation when she turn back she found Extreme Bucketman who told that they right after all. She left with tears in her eyes feeling where lonely.

Meanwhile, Hakuoh was trying to understand his deck and also what Shobu told him. Bucketman was fishing for everyone Hakuoh saw Bucketman need help with catching fish he left his deck and went to help Bucketman catch the fish.

Nearby Yu who was crying after hearing the conversation. Gyojiro shows up sing to her and asks her to join him once again. But Yu rejects her. Then Gyojiro see the deck of Hakuoh nearby he sees the deck and says this is just an unbalanced deck and bet that Yu will not be able to use this. He Asked Yu again and this time asked her for a duel by giving her a deck and saying if she wins he would leave her alsone but if he wins she would join him. Yu after seeing the deck and already feeling lonely accepted the duel. Gyujiro declared this duel as .

In the end when Yu ended up with no shields but with a blocker only, she was about lose all hope. On the other hand, Bucketman came to Dr. Root's place asked if Yu arrived yet or not. They all started looking for Yu. Mimi, Boy George and Shizuka all three after looking around could not found her. They say Bucketman in the bushes and Bucketman was calling them from behind as well? what two Bucketmans. Before Yu was about to forfet the duel Bucketman rushed into the dueland stoped Yu from doing so. He showed Yu that what she heard was all made up recording by Gyojiro and that bucketman was also Gyojiro's robot. Yu after seeing this got her hopes back and continued the duel. She figured out Hakuoh's deck and defeated Gyojiro. Then she returned Hakuoh's deck to him.

Meanwhile, Shobu and Rekuta were still stuck on the Fua Castle Express Train.'

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