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  • 决斗大师Charge 第31话
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Duel Masters Charge EP31 - The Fua Castle Express


Duration: 22m


Shobu and Rekuta were watching photos of Duel Festival that they have been to and they have noticed someone continuously appearing in many pictures. Shobu even remembered that he was given his deck back by this stranger.

They then planned on capturing this guy who have been following them. They both acted as if they had a fight and went there separate ways in order to catch his attention if he was really following them. Shobu went into a card shop and had some duels. And then decides to leave later on. Then when Shobu realized that he have fallen for the bait Shobu made him follow into a narrow allow where Shobu and Rekuta stopped him and asked him that is why is he following them and is he a Fua Duelist and the response was yes he was a Fua Duelist and also he was the one who have been making contact to them with phone all along. But he soon escaped them both.

Shobu and Rekuta started to follow this guy but went to far they both ended on a station. Suddenly they were asked by this mysterious big train staff if he could help them. Shobu should him the picture and asked if he has seen him. He replied with Zerobal Holmes and he said he knew where he is. He took Shobu and Rekuta to the underground station and told them that he usually hides here.

When they got downstairs Shobu got all excited from seeing such a big train. Suddenly the bell for the train rang, he told Shobu and Rekuta that he will be in the train Shobu went in as well before the train leaves and Rekuta had some doubts but he followed Shobu in.

Soon Shobu and Rekuta realized all the passengers in this train were just fakes and the train staff was actually a Fua Duelist Chappi. He challenged Shobu for a duel and told Shobu that the train is on a collision course in five minutes. Shobu still accepted the duel. Chappi declared this duel as a Non Stop Train Duel. This was the first time Shobu encountered a Cross Gear card in a duel. During the duel Chappi would increase the speed of the train to put Shobu under pressure and scare him so he would give up. But still Shobu continued the duel and won. He asked Chppi after defeating him to stop the train but he went unconscious, so Shobu and Rekuta tried to stop the train from the engine room but they end up making it even faster. Chappi escaped leaving Shobu and Rekuta on the train. What will happen on this thrilling ride?

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