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  • 天使不设防! 第26话
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Tenshi ni Narumon! EP26 - What is Truly Important Right Now




Using the candle shown at the end of the previous episode, Silky sets fire to her wings, causing Noelle and Mikael's wings to burn too, due to their soul connection. Yuusuke attempts to put out the fire on Noelle, but his efforts are all in vain. Noelle's family and Natsumi begin scaling the staircase in the direction of the flames, but Natsumi catches a glimpse of Raphael out of the corner of her eye, and freezes, identifying him as her late older brother, Fuyuki. The staircase begins to fall apart, leaving those on it to plummet. As Noelle falls, she realizes her desire to save everyone, and puts all of her heart into wishing that she could be an angel, as instructed by Mikael earlier. With that heartfelt wish, Noelle becomes an angel and saves Yuusuke. Mikael and Silky become angels as well, and although Mikael takes the change understandably well, Silky still struggles, crying in Noelle's arms after repeating that she doesn't want to become an angel. As everyone lands, safe and sound, all appears right in the world.

That is, until Noelle tries to hug Yuusuke, instead phasing through him, just as she phased through Raphael in an earlier episode. Before they can process this, Noelle, Silky and Mikael begin to float upward beyond their control. Granny explains that Noelle and the others can no longer return now that they've become angels, as their split soul is destined to become one again. Noelle begins to cry, realizing that becoming an angel means losing Yuusuke forever, and he too begins to lose hope, until Natsumi--remembering her brother--encourages him to try harder to reach her, before it becomes too late and he loses her forever. Noelle's family stand on one another's shoulders to bring Yuusuke closer to Noelle, and with the promise of being together forever, Noelle and Yuusuke are able to make contact, and are reunited as it begins to snow. The episode then cuts to the Christmas party at Noelle's mentioned a few episodes prior, with many of the monsters from the first half of the show making reappearances. Raphael reveals that Mikael's test was not actually for him to help Noelle, but to become a teacher at the Angel's School, the two return to heaven together, to start a new life. Noelle and Yuusuke kiss. After the credits, it is revealed that Silky transfers into Noelle and Yuusuke's class.


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