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  • 天使不设防! 第25话
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Tenshi ni Narumon! EP25 - Because I Want Everything, I Need Nothing




Having turned her companions into dolls, Silky goes to the human world herself to prevent Noelle from becoming an angel. Noelle awakens in Mikael's arms as he continues scaling the stairs to heaven, and attempts to run away from him when he explains his plan to use the Durian Comet to help grant their wish to become angels. Yuusuke begins following the two up the staircase, leaving Natsumi at the base of the clocktower for safety, although she is soon attacked by Silky, who also intends to stop Mikael. Noelle continues to try and run from Mikael, and after a brief struggle wherein he catches her, she takes the Book of Chaos and throws it, forcing Mikael to go after it. The Book falls onto Yuusuke's head, and he too throws it further down the stairs, giving him time to go to Noelle. Silky gets to the Book before Mikael, and although he sympathizes with her secluded and difficult life, she still refuses to become an angel, and tears out all of the book's pages. Down below, Noelle's family have arrived to wish upon the Durian Comet to bring things back to normal, although they don't realize it might be too late for that. Although initially distraught over the Book's ruin, Mikael quickly begins to laugh, saying that they will combine to become an angel, no matter what. As the Durian Comet glows overhead, Mikael grows wings, as do Noelle and Silky, who appear to be in a tremendous deal of pain. The episode cuts out as Silky reaches for one of the many candles adorning the stairway.


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