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  • 天使不设防! 第22话
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Tenshi ni Narumon! EP22 - Just Stretch Your Hand and... See?




One night as she and Yuusuke are preparing for bed, Noelle's halo suddenly begins to glow and exude heat. They assume it is temporary, but in the following days, her halo begins to spin loudly, growing brighter and brighter, and becoming sharp and dangerous as time wears on. Muse thinks that this is a good opportunity to take her halo (and hopefully prevent her from becoming an angel) but the halo reacts violently, cutting her classmates' desks in half and ricocheting around the room like a blade until landing back above Noelle's head. Yuusuke tries to be sympathetic and cheer her up, but Noelle becomes distraught with the turn of events, and runs away. Mikael attempts to reassure her, as these new developments are signs that she's very close to becoming a full-fledged angel, but Noelle is still extremely troubled, wondering what will happen between herself and Yuusuke. When Noelle asks, Muse attempts to "help" her get rid of the halo by tying Noelle up, chaining it to her cart, and riding off, hoping to take the halo with her. Instead, the halo creates a powerful cyclone that destroys the school, sucking Yuusuke and all of the students into the vortex. Yuusuke promises Noelle she isn't alone, and the storm finally ceases when she admits that she no longer desires to become an angel. With that admission, her halo becomes dull and falls from her head, rolling to a stop at the feet of an angry Mikael. In the other dimension, the top drawer of Silky's "secret dresser" has been glowing and shaking, and Eros wonders whether or not to open it. Finally, we see the Book of Chaos, pages now entirely blank.


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