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  • 天使不设防! 第24话
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Tenshi ni Narumon! EP24 - That Which Is Waiting on the Other Side of the Door




Yuusuke goes out to find the family and bring them back together, telling Noelle (who has stopped sinking) to make curry at home and wait for him to return. With her mission of keeping Noelle from becoming an angel fulfilled, Muse returns to the other dimension, comforting Eros who continues to worry for Silky. After being thrown from the window, Noelle's halo has gone missing, leaving Mikael to desperately search for it. Meanwhile, Miruru has holed herself up at Natsumi's house in the wake of the family separating, and reveals the truth about what happened when Natsumi turned into a child. Miruru's bag starts shaking erratically, and Natsumi opens it to find Noelle's halo, which Miruru had stolen and planned to sell. The halo goes on another rampage, flicking around the room like a frisbee, before coming to a dead-stop in front of Natsumi. Yuusuke travels far and wide, trying to convince the family to come back together, but none are willing. Finally, Granny explains to him Noelle's origin story. The ball-like object shown before was an underdeveloped angel's soul, which split into three parts after falling. One of the pieces became Noelle, and Granny had to move the family to the human world when one of the other underdeveloped pieces tried to contact Noelle in the demon world. When the three souls reunite, it is believed that they will combine to form a single angel. Mikael goes after Noelle while she's alone, and uses his powers to render her unconscious. In the other dimension, Silky is having a breakdown, and goes into a panicked fury when Eros asks her if she's actually meant to be an angel, and was jealous of Noelle for having everything that she did not. When Silky tries to distract Eros with a promise of becoming her Prince, Eros destroys the throne himself, saying he'd rather she just be happy. The two almost come to an understanding, but at the last moment, Silky turns Eros back into a doll, leading to a fight between her and Muse. In the end, Silky turns Muse into a doll as well. Mikael carries the still-unconscious Noelle up to the school's clock tower, and Raphael questions his motives. Yuusuke returns home to find Noelle missing, and goes on a search for her. On the way out, he runs into Natsumi, who brought Noelle's halo back. The halo begins moving quickly in the direction of the school, at Yuusuke and Natsumi take chase. As Silky vows to prevent Noelle from becoming an angel, Mikael (who now appears to be evil) carries Noelle up a staircase spiraling into the sky.


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