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  • 祖先大人万万岁 第6话
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Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! EP6 - Dreaming of a Butterfly


Duration: 00:26:42


The episode begins with Inumaru dreaming of running in a crop field. He comes across a family resembling his own, and the father hitting him with a metal golf driver. Inumaru wakes up and the train he was riding in stops at Oyashirazu. Inumaru stops at a streetside soba noodle restaurant and talks to the man selling the soba about what has happened so far. He talks about how thanks to Maroko meeting up with the Yomota family, they nothing but trouble after trouble out of it. Inumaru then says that Maroko left, his father went crazy and his whereabouts are unknown, his mother began living with Bannai but is now serving an extortion case, and that he's been wandering from soba stand to soba stand, still looking for Maroko. Inumaru wakes up in a truck - the last moment turned out to be another dream. The man driving the truck asks Inumaru if he really wants to stop in the middle of the road - their current location - and he says he's sure. Inumaru leaves the road and follows a snow path back to the Yomota's former apartment in Tokyo, and comes across the Kodak blimp - the time machine that Maroko used to travel back in time to visit him, his mother and his father. He continues chasing the blimp, and grows more and more weary and tired by each passing minute. He is eventually too tired to walk, or even stand, and collapses in the middle of the snow. A yellow butterfly flies in front of him, but quickly leaves. The last thing he utters before the final episode ends is "Ma... ro... ko...".


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