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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsuujinai / Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms
- Official name:黒岩メダカに私の可愛いが通じない
- Chinese name:我的可爱对黑岩目高不管用
- Other names:Medakawa / 黑岩目高不把我的可爱放在眼里
- Premiered:January 6, 2025
- Status:Currently Airing
- Tags:Funny / Campus / Love / Daily / Source manga
- Original author:久世蘭(Kodansha)
- Director:奥村よしあき
- Scenario:筆安一幸 / 井上美緒 / 笹野恵
- Storyboard:奥村よしあき / 斉藤秀二 / 小高義規 / 沼山茉由
- Co-director:まついひとゆき / 斉藤秀二 / 奥村よしあき / 黒田晃一郎 / 沼山茉由
- Character design:渡辺まゆみ
- Music:DMM music / 立山秋航 / ビットグルーヴプロモーション / 小沼則義 / 風間結花
- Studios:SynergySP
- Production cooperation:エレファント / ブラボー・スタジオ / スタジオエル / サンシャインコーポレーション
- Producers:「黒岩メダカに私の可愛いが通じない」製作委員会
- Copyright:©久世蘭・講談社 / 「黒岩メダカに私の可愛いが通じない」製作委員会
- Family:Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms
Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsuujinai
There is not a single room that Mona Kawai enters where she does not become the center of attention—dealing with this everlasting spotlight is but a fact of her daily life.
Mona's absolute confidence in her own charms, however, is shaken when she meets Medaka Kuroiwa, a recent transfer student to her highschool.
Unlike all other classmates who constantly fawn over her, Medaka frowns every time they interact.
Seeing his disinterest as something to be rectified, Mona pulls out all the stops in the hopes of winning Medaka over, only to be met with one stern face after another.
Turns out, Medaka's indifference to Mona stems from his wish to one day become a monk, and hence must leave all worldly desires behind.
As the unknowing Mona ramps up her attacks on Medaka, all her antics might lead her into falling for him instead.
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
Main PV
TVアニメ『黒岩メダカに私の可愛いが通じない』2025年1月6日(月)より毎週月曜日深夜24時からテレ東系列にて放送開始!■配信情報 / dアニメストア、U-NEXT(アニメ放題)、DMM TVにて先行配信決定!そのほかプラットフォームでも順次配信予定 / ■イントロダクション / 容姿端麗!スタイル抜群!川井モナは、息をするようにモテる女!!しかし、そんな彼女に見向きもしない転校生・黒岩メダカの登場で、モナの学校生活は一変する!「今までずっと、チヤホヤされて生きてきたのに!!」あの手この手でメダカをオトそうと大奮闘!時にはちょっぴりカゲキなことも!?モテ女子×禁欲男子のラブコメディ、大勃発――!!■スタッフ情報 / 原作:久世蘭(講談社「週刊少年マガジン」連載)監督:奥村よしあき / シリーズ構成・脚本:筆安一幸 / キャラクターデザイン:渡辺まゆみ / 音楽:立山秋航 / 音響監督:小沼則義 / 色彩設計:山上愛子 / 撮影監督:西村徹也(スタジオ エル)美術監督:三宅昌和 / アニメーション制作:SynergySP / ■音楽 / オープニングテーマ:いろはにほへっと あやふぶみ「雨トキメキ恋模様」エンディングテーマ:前田佳織里「キュンアピ」■CAST / 黒岩メダカ:岩崎諒太 / 川井モナ:芹澤優 / 湘南旭:雨宮天 / 春野つぼみ:花澤香菜 / 難波朋:矢野妃菜喜 / 白浜美波:前田佳織里 / ■原作情報 / 1話はコチラから / https://pocket. shonenmagazine. com/epi...マガジンコミックス発売中!1巻~16巻:好評発売中 / 第17巻は2024年12月17日(火)発売 / #岩崎諒太#芹澤優#雨宮天#花澤香菜#矢野妃菜喜#前田佳織里 / #メダかわ#黒岩メダカに私の可愛いが通じない / ©久世蘭・講談社/「黒岩メダカに私の可愛いが通じない」製作委員会
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - Can't Charm Him
Mona Kawai had never met a boy who could resist her charms. Enter Medaka Kuroiwa, who not only withstands her every move but also acts like he's disgusted by them! Is Mona's queen bee ego capable of taking no for an answer?
EP2 - In Love with Him
Mona continues her attempts to charm Medaka, but she suddenly realizes that she might have competition?
EP3 - School Festival with Him
It’s time for the school festival, and Mona is convinced that the event vibes will make her moves on Medaka more effective. Is she right, though?
EP4 - Legend with Him
Mona and Medaka find themselves at the Bridge of Love, the location of the school festival legend.
EP5 - Basketball Girl with Him
Mona and Medaka encounter Asahi Shonan, a strong-willed basketball star who seems rather confrontational.
EP6 - Nursing with Him
When Medaka comes down with a cold, caring for him becomes a new battleground for Mona and Asahi.
EP7 - Lockscreen with Him
A new battle arises over the fate of Medaka's phone wallpaper... and Halloween costumes for the girls.
EP8 - Halloween with Him
Mona sets out for the Halloween party, her sights set on making Medaka's lockscreen.
EP9 - Best Friend with Him
Tomo, Mona's childhood friend from Osaka, is here in Tokyo and ready to cause some chaos!
EP10 - Theme Park with Him
The gang hits up a theme park for Tomo's welcome party, and she and Asahi both have plans afoot!
EP11 - Alone with Him
Mona is stranded with Medaka at the theme park, leading to an important realization