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  • 祖先大人万万岁 第4话
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Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! EP4 - Starting All Over


Duration: 00:29:24


The episode starts off with an explanation of the ostrich's life style. The real story begins with Bannai, Tamiko and Kinekuni heading to the beach, and with Bunmei singing a song and playing the piano. They all meet up by coincidence, and Tmaiko tells everyone that while she was away, she, along with Bannai, had been gathering information on Maroko. Bannai says that the whole time, Maroko and Bunmei have been doing all sorts of time-twisting events to bring down the Yomota family. Everyone (except Kinekuni) gets a chance to throw in some input about the information, but when word gets out that Kinekuni has unpain debts and his current location is exposed, everyone has no choice but to run for it.


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