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  • 相聚一刻 第94话
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Maison Ikkoku EP94 - Alright! Godai-kun's Courageous Proposal!

Premiered: 1988年02月17日

Duration: 24:00


Kyoko goes to visit her sick father, and finds that he's very ill. When her mother asks Kyoko how things are going between Godai and her at Maison Ikkoku, she nervously tells them they would find out sooner or later. While her mother is thrilled, her father is furious, and when she is questioned if she is going to remmary, Kyoko answers them she will, although Godai hasn't proposed to her yet. At the Acorn Daycare Godai listen to his co-workers discussing marriage and decides he'd best begin to think about how he will propose to Kyoko. Kyoko has been wondering the same thing herself and keeps waiting and waiting for Godai to get around to asking. Her father is deadset against Kyoko getting married again and suddenly disappears from his sickbed in an attempt to do something about it. Kyoko calls Godai at the daycare to get him to look out for Mr. Chigusa should he show up, but later that night Godai is at the Bunny Cabaret and there is still no sign of him. That night just so happens to be Godai's last night at the cabaret and as he is giving the children presents that he's made for them, Mr. Chigusa arrives and promptly passes out. After waking up and having a few drinks with Godai's co-workers at his going-away party, Mr. Chigusa passes out drunk. As they walk back to Kyoko's parents house, Godai decides now is the time to propose to Kyoko. He asks her to marry him and she stops in her tracks and asks him to promise her just one thing; that he will outlive her. After losing Soichiro she knows she can't go through being alone again. Godai swears, and Mr. Chigusa wakes up and tells Kyoko that even if something happened she could always come back home, that she'll never be alone. Kyoko cries and hugs Godai and her father.

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