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  • 相聚一刻 第88话
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Maison Ikkoku EP88 - Love All Over... The Lingering Taste of Kozue's Kisses

Premiered: 1988年01月06日

Duration: 24:00


As Godai attempts to finish up another day of studying at the cabaret Mitaka arrives looking extremely angry. Godai and he go to a nearby park with two children that Yusaku is taking care of. Godai tells Mitaka that he heard what happened with Asuna and that he hopes things will be okay for he and Asuna. Mitaka is too angry and doesn't want Godai's pity. Even though he doesn't want to be with Asuna he tells Godai that he knows he doesn't have a choice and will have to go through with the wedding. Mitaka painfully attempts to cheer Godai on but can't bring himself to do it. Mitaka ends up walking off even more angry than he was when he arrived. Later that night he and Asuna have dinner with his family and Asuna realizes that he is not happy. Looking through an old photo album she sees Shun as a little boy, upset at losing a tennis tournament, but putting on a brave face in a photo. She realizes that this false smile from his boyhood is the same smile that he uses around her. When they are alone she confronts him with this but instead of getting upset she tells a joke to put him at ease. Mitaka laughs and smiles at her. Taking her hand in his he promises that they will make their own happiness from now on. Silently he tells Kyoko goodbye as he prepares to begin his life with Asuna. Meanwhile Kozue is having dinner with a co-worker from her bank. Out of nowhere the man shows her his bank book and asks her to marry him. Kozue is completely shocked and tells him that she'll need a few days to think about it. Instantly her mind goes to Godai and she decides she needs to see him. Not knowing where he is she goes to Maison Ikkoku and sees Kyoko and the other tenants for the first time in a long while. Kyoko is taking a few good luck charms from the tenants to Godai and agrees to take Kozue with her to the cabaret. When they arrive Kyoko quickly wants to leave, but is talked into staying by Godai and Iioka. Kozue learns that Godai has been busy studying for his final exams, and decides that now isn't the best time to burden him with her marriage dilemma. Instead she tells him that they can talk about it later, but she asks him to lean down and close his eyes. Doing as she asks, he is shocked when he suddenly feels Kozue's lips on his. For the first time in their relationship they have kissed, and as luck would have it Kyoko just so happens to be walking back to Maison Ikkoku and sees the whole thing.

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