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  • 数码宝贝 驯兽师之王 第47话
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Digimon Tamers EP47 - His Kingdom for a Horse

Premiered: 2002-03-03

Duration: 24m


Calumon found Jeri in the kernel of the D-reaper. She opened her eyes but didn't respond to Calumon. Meanwhile Takato tried to convince Mr. Katou (Jeri's father) to stop being angry at her. Yamaki was designing a more complex version of the D-Arc which he called "Grani" after a famous warhorse, which he planned to become a steed for Gallantmon. Jeri had flashbacks of when her mother died and began to mutter, frightening Calumon. When a new Agent arrives, Mr. Katou goes to it and pleads for Jeri's release, but is nearly killed. Justimon and Guardromon manage to destroy it, but another bigger Agent arrives. Grani finally arrives and Gallantmon uses it as his steed and rides it up to the Agent and destroys it.

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