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  • 数码宝贝 驯兽师之王 第30话
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Digimon Tamers EP30 - The Imperfect Storm

Premiered: 2001-10-28

Duration: 24m


The group returns to the desert to try to find Rika. Rika nearly drowns but is unexpectedly saved by Calumon. A flood pushes them and Renamon to the desert and Calumon digivolves Renamon to Kyubimon to save them. They reunite with the others, but before they can return home, they get confronted by Beelzemon who Kyuubimon realizes is the Digivolved Impmon. Kyubimon digivolves to Taomon to face him, but unfortunately the Dog Deva, Chatsuramon, shows up and recaptures Calumon. Unfortunately, while Yamaki is on leave, the government starts up the Juggernaut, causing sudden night and storms in the Digital World. Thanks to Chatsuramon's attack, Henry, Takato and Terriermon get sucked into a data stream while the others are protected by a shield from Taomon and Beelzemon runs off. At Hypnos as the Juggernaut gets out of control, one of the agents calls Yamaki and Riley and they manage to shut it down.

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