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  • 数码宝贝 驯兽师之王 第45话
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Digimon Tamers EP45 - The D-Reaper's Disguise

Premiered: 2002-02-17

Duration: 24m


During the fight, Gallantmon fell into the D-Reaper and de-Digivolved. Here he met Jeri, but in actual she was a part of D-Reaper. She changed into a D-Reaper digimon called the Agent. Lopmon requested Suzie to help her digivolve so that she could help her friends she digivolves to Antylamon. Calumon senses Jeri in trouble and enlists Impmon's help to rescue her. Impmon, still feeling guilty about killing Leomon, joins him. Calumon knew that Jeri is inside the Kernel Sphere. The Kernel Sphere was the power core of the D-Reaper.

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