Jungle Taitei (1989)
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameJungle Taitei (1989)
  • Official nameジャングル大帝
  • Chinese name森林大帝
  • Other namesShinsaku jungle taitei / New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion / 森林大帝 1989 / ジャングル大帝(1989年)
  • PremieredOctober 12, 1989
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsFantasy / Adventure / For children / Source manga
  • Original author手塚治虫
  • Director宇井孝司
  • Scenario伊東恒久
  • Storyboard望月敬一郎 / 福島宏之 / 新林実 / 平田敏夫 / 芦沢剛史
  • Co-director福島宏之 / 望月敬一郎 / 岩本保雄 / 新林実 / 浅香守生
  • Studios手塚プロダクション
  • FamilyKimba the White Lion
  • Rating9+

Jungle Taitei (1989)

Leo (a.k.a. Kimba in the U.S.) is a young ambitious lion cub who takes his father's place as emperor of the jungle when is father is killed by poachers.

Even though his father's fate was met by the hands of humans, Leo is one of the few animals in the Jungle that doesn't fear or feel hatred toward humans.

He is not alone either, he is guided by friends of his father to help create the best animal kingdom there can be.


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      • EP1 - Birth

        As the story begins, the backstory of Androcles (Kimba's white lion ancestor) is told. The white lion was worshipped like a god by the pharaoh until it was stolen. In the present time, the human village is having trouble with the white lion, Panja, because he sets the animals free into the jungle. Jake (Ham Egg) and Kutter agree to take care of the lion because Ham Egg can use the lion's hide for profit. Ham Egg and Kutter carry out a plan by capturing Eliza, Panja's mate, in order to lure the white lion within shooting range. Panja is shot and killed in front of Eliza. She tells Panja that she has his cub that will soon be born. Panja asks if the son can be named, Kimba (Leo) .Eliza is taken to a ship to be sold to a zoo. Kimba is born on the ship. Eliza tells Kimba that he must go back to the jungle to take his father's place. Kimba resistantly jumps off the ship into the ocean.

      • EP2 - Promise

        This episode takes place after Leo escaped the ship and meets Kenichi and Dr. Ban (Mr. Pompous (Dr. Mustache)). Leo visits a zoo and meets jungle animals for the first time.

      • EP3 - Departure

        Kenichi and Dr. Ban (Mr Pompous) decide to send Kimba (Leo) back to Africa because of the distress that the locals have when they see a giant lion cub roaming around the city. Meanwhile, Kutter and his assistant, Bread, are trying to steal and capture Leo in order to make a profit off of him.Kenichi goes with Leo initially to a safari park in Africa to say goodbye. After Kenichi finds out that Bread secretly went with them, he helps Leo escape to the Panja's jungle.

      • EP4 - Friends

        Leo walks to his father's jungle while a vulture is chasing him. He notices that every animal runs away as Leo tries to talk to them. Leo meets Coco and Tony as they are trapped in a trap that Hamegg (Jake) set. Hamegg remembers Leo as the white lion born on the ship and attempts to kill Leo, despite a giant tornado in the distance. Meanwhile, Leo also meets Bubu (Jamar) and Toto (Shaka) as they try to defend the throne. Coco, Tony, and Leo eventually escape both the humans, Bubu and Toto.

      • EP5 - Homeland

        Continuing from last episode, Leo is back at his father's jungle and meets Lyra (Raiya) for the first time. A fire starts from a crashed plane and Leo must figure out a way to put the fire out while searching for an herb that Raiya needs for her master, Leona.

      • EP6 - Invader

        A large boat invades the jungle with a hunter (Sir Gillan (Giran)) on board along with his wife, Gina, Antonio and Saba. Coco tells Kimba (Leo) about his find and they go to investigate. Kimba (Leo) soon learns that he can't get too close or he'll get shot by the hunter. Rolo (Lalo) the cape buffalo gets shot by the hunter as the boat passes by, not even coming back for the kill. His father, Bob (Altis) wants vengeance. Kimba (Leo) thinks of a reasonable plan to get rid of the humans from the jungle by ramming fallen trees into the boat, causing it to sink.Kimba (Leo) finds his true sense of belonging in his father's jungle and plans to live there as long as he lives.

      • EP7 - Courage

        Nani the okapi (Kapi’s mom) gets captured by Conga and the Skull Rock Tribe. Leo and Kapi go to their village to save her. Once Conga realizes that Leo is a white lion, the tribe focuses on capturing him instead. Kapi finds the courage to save Leo when he gets cornered by the tribesmen.

      • EP8 - Warning

        A hot air balloon appears in the jungle, causing Kimba (Leo) and his friends to be suspicious. Kimba encounters Marody and his two grandsons Keruru & Amaji, who are Barbary lions, thought to be extinct. They manage to drive Kimba away from Marody's cliff. The people in the hot air balloon however are after the Barbary lions.

      • EP9 - Fellows

        The episode opens with Kimba (Leo), Tommy (T.K.), Coco, and Kurosaji getting all of the animals in the Jungle to high ground before the storm can flood the Jungle. During this, Flora gets killed and swept away by the flash flood, and Kimba finds Pago (Sierra) and later a domestic cow named Manwela. He brings them both back to his den to wait out the storm. After the storm passes, Manwela tries to get back home, telling Kimba that she can't live in the wild as she is domesticated. Kimba decides to give her a day in the Jungle to let her decide for herself. He tries to find homes for both Sierra and Manwela, but with no luck.Manwela eventually reaches the plains, and considers actually staying, but she sees her owner and saves Kimba (Leo), getting shot. She gives birth to her calf before she dies, and the calf is taken back home with the farmer. Leo returns to the Jungle and finds that Pago (Sierra) is adopted to another herd.

      • EP10 - Freedom

        Kimba (Leo) meets his aunt, Leona for the first time, un-expectantly in a human village run by women. He also meets Laiya (Raiya) again, who is a servant of Leona, saving them from a raging river nearby. Leona is seen as a goddess to the village and wish that Kimba (Leo) joins them. When meeting each other, Leona wishes that Kimba (Leo) stays in the village along with the humans that try and capture him.

      • EP11 - The Law of the Jungle

        A herd of elephants have come to Panja's Jungle, while Bizo is bullying other animals.

      • EP12 - Red Wings

        Kimba (Leo) is curious about an eagle taking care of her nest when a panther shows up to eat them. While scaring the panther away, the eagles' mother, Martha (Masa) is resistant to trust a lion. When she realizes that Kimba (Leo) protected Myu from the leopard above their nest, Martha (Masa) begins to build his trust. For a reason that that is unknown to him, Kimba (Leo) wishes to help Myu fly, whatever the cost. When taken to Marody (Malody)'s cliff, Marody (Malody) can't fathom why Kimba (Leo) is wasting his time on a trivial task.Marody tells the story of Gamera, a legendary bird that gain the power of flight from will power alone, along with a thousand red feathers to create red wings. Myu wanders off towards Stone Mountain, where Gamera lives to see if he could learn to fly like him. Kimba (Leo) eventually catches up to Myu, who has been interrupted by a snake. Once they climb to the top, they encounter, Gamera who is actually Martha (Masa) in disguise from the staining hot springs nearby. Myu is courageous enough to take a feather and fly on his own. They all meet the real Gamera, have a brief encounter, but was a misunderstanding as Gamera was protecting his children from the nearby threat. Kimba (Leo) recognizes the true meaning of destiny.

      • EP13 - Prophecy

        Kimba senses a threat is coming to the jungle, but no one believes him as the jungle has been quiet. Kimba's paranoia soon lands him into trouble with Claw (Bubu) and Cassius (Toto). Kimba's attack by Claw and his refusal to fight back, leads to Marody and his grandsons forcing Kimba to fight back.

      • EP14 - Episode 14


      • EP15 - Failure

        When a volcano erupts not far from Panja's jungle, it causes damage to the jungle. Seeing the damage done to his father's jungle, Kimba (Leo) begins to get more abrasive as he struggles to do everything at once, worrying his friends and the other animals.

      • EP16 - White Beast

        Lyra had noticed that Leo has started to change since she had first met him. She reveals over the episode to him that he has gotten more brutal and cruel in his fighting style and shows no mercy to his enemies. Meanwhile, Leona gets captured by poachers so that they can sell her for profit. Leo and Laiya chase the hunters and rescue Leona.

      • EP17 - Pride

        Kimba (Leo) goes into exile and journeys out into a desert. There he meets an elderly Barbary lion named Crave, who has lost his pride.

      • EP18 - Fighting Spirit

        Kimba (Leo) continues his exile, coming across a coalition of vicious cheetahs hunting him down for trespassing into their territory, learning an important lesson.

      • EP19 - Life

        Kimba (Leo) continues on with his exile, continuing further outside of Panja's jungle, Kimba (Leo) must learn the facts of life and death before he can finally return home.

      • EP20 - Leader

        Kimba (Leo) realizes after his journey that he is happiest with his friends and promptly decides to return to his former jungle. On the way, he encounters some poachers who are hunting for mountain gorillas. He happens to run to a den of mountain gorillas nearby.He meets Garu, Giru, Zeo and their leader, Silverback. The poachers capture the baby gorillas nearby. As Kimba (Leo) helps defend the gorillas from the poachers, he learns what it means to be true and just leader - not a boss or a king.

      • EP21 - Homecoming

        As Kimba (Leo) makes it back to the jungle, he's greeted with fanfare. But he's is stuck between a rock and a hard place: wanting to abide by the laws of Panja's jungle and defending it from Bubu. All the animals decide to stand up together against Bubu and Toto. They are driven out of the jungle.

      • EP22 - Reunion

        Leo's human caretaker, Kenichi, returns to Africa and meets his little white lion friend again. Leo is unable to recognize Kenichi, but he realizes that he is not like the other humans that want to destroy the jungle.

      • EP23 - Migration

        Different kinds of animals are migrating to Panja's Jungle. As coco states: it's starting to look cramped here! A cape buffalo herd run by Rog is challenging Bob in order to stay there. But their main concern was getting away from the poachers. Out of desperation and trying to stop the conflict, Kimba (Leo) gets emotional, not knowing what to do to stop them in his inner struggle. This makes the fighting cape buffaloes rethink their actions.Coco also helps Kimba (Leo) finds his den where he will live.

      • EP24 - Friendship

        Tony finds a gun and recklessly starts swinging it at Coco. He accidentally fires it and injures a baby monkey. Due to the laws of Panja's jungle, Tony is driven out of the jungle. He meets up with Bubu and Toto, who were also exiled. Sneakily, Bubu manages to gain Tony's trust to let his guard down.

      • EP25 - Sacrifice, Pt 1

        An organization led by Miss Chiffon are set out to find a special mine. A helicopter team hired by the organization (codenamed Condor 8) is instructed to have full coverage of the area within two kilometers of the mine and destroy everything within a hundred kilometers of the site.The nearby ship crew are instructed to steal the rare white lion Goddess. One of the ship crew members, Julian tranquilizes Leona and shoves the lion into a sack and takes her back to the ship.Hired by the organization, Ham Egg and Kutter attempt to swindle the Palos Village's members and attorney by trying to encourage the Palos villagers to leave their home before the village is blown to smithereens. Their plan doesn't work, so the palace, sanctuary and the rest of the village is destroyed.

      • EP26 - Sacrifice, Pt 2

        Kimba (Leo) and Kitty (Laiya) continue on their perilous journey to rescue Leona, as they come across various obstacles along the way. The pair are unaware that Ham egg (Jake) has set a trap for Kimba (Leo) using Leona as part of the trap.

      • EP27 - Mourning

        A grieving Laiya carries Leona's collar with her everywhere, but loses it forever when she helps a leopard cub.

      • EP28 - Image

        Kimba (Leo) shows Laiya his hidden treasure: a temple that shines in dust that he discovered in Episode 6: Intruder.Gibo, a young warthog collects human treasures that they lose. He is attached to them so much that he personifies the objects as his family, so that he doesn't feel alone. The other animals call him strange for doing this and want to cast him out of the jungle for encouraging humans to come near Panja's Jungle as Gibo steals a tracking device. This was placed by researchers that are staying near the jungle. While Laiya befriends Gibo, his objects cause a forest fire. All must work together to extinguish the fire, along with Gibo giving up his processions.

      • EP29 - Protection

        While on a walk with Coco outside of Panja's Jungle, Tony gets captured along with a herd of gazelles and taken to the nearby safari park. Peter, his wife, Coco, and Kimba (Leo) come to Tony's rescue.The Wildebeest from the park asks if Kimba (Leo) made it to his father's jungle. He attempts to escape the park again, but fails. He promised Kimba (Leo) that they would see each other in Panja's jungle. Tony tries to free the animals from the reserve with the help of Kimba (Leo), Marody, Peter and another leopard he and other animals finally escape.Bobby, a barbary lion along with other animals from the escaped group felt safe and secure at the safari park and wished to be taken by the humans again. Marody does not tolerate this from Bobby and immediately kills him. Panja also would not tolerate animals being tamed by the humans and would slice the traitors' throats, Marody says. Kimba (Leo) doesn't take this fact kindly.

      • EP30 - Adventure

        Vultures attack a group of monkeys which causes Laiya and Kimba (Leo) to come to their rescue. Kimba (Leo) protects Laiya some getting injured; however, Kimba (Leo) is badly scratched along the way. Laiya decides to go to the Crystal Forest to find a cure through a special herb, despite the other animals' hesitance.Kurosagi explains that it's a dangerous journey to get to the Crystal Forest and a guardian protects the legendary herb.

      • EP31 - Trust

        Jean, an outsider sets up camp near Panja's jungle. He captures Tony by a rope and tries to convince him that he's not trying to kill him, by treating a wound on his leg. As Kimba (Leo) frees him, Jean becomes fascinated by the white lion protecting the gazelle from harm, but knows he must be wary while keeping distance from the lion's jungle.Bubu and Toto take notice of this and want to take advantage of the humans being near. They plot to drive Kimba (Leo) out of the jungle again by breaking the jungle's rules, using Kimba (Leo)'s weakness to resort to violence and keeping humans out of Panja's jungle. They consistently bring the humans near by provoking Jean and Sylvia.

      • EP32 - Nature

        Twin brother leopards, Billy and Kerry, arrive in the savannah outside of Panja's Jungle for a movie shoot. Kerry is taken out of the jeep they arrived in. When Kimba (Leo) goes to investigate, he opens the back door to find a frightened Billy.Kimba (Leo) takes him back to the jungle. All of the other animals are amazed at the tricks Billy can do, until they find out that Billy was raised by humans. All become wary of him. Billy becomes impatient and wants to be taken back to the humans. He sees his brother, Kerry, get killed by a lion, where humans were filming.The humans put Billy in danger by having him climb a cliff over a ranging river. Kimba (Leo) comes to his rescue, Billy realizes how nice it is that Kimba (Leo) has freedom. After both of them fall off the cliff, presuming, they had gotten killed, the humans leave Billy behind.

      • EP33 - Paradise

        Many members of Pagoola (Pagura)'s herd are killed by poachers who want to take their tusks and sell them for profit. Pagoola (Pagura) decides to take his herd to Panja's jungle for protection, because he reminded himself about what Kimba (Leo) said to him when they first met: This jungle is everyone's last sanctuary . Pagoola is trying to protect his herd instead of fighting the humans. This makes his son, Bizo think his father is turning into a coward.When the humans decide to enter Panja's jungle, Kimba (Leo) to keep this a secret from the elephants as they are still wounded from their previous encounter with humans. Pagoola is suspicious when he hears gun shots and wants to investigate. He drives the poachers' truck off of a cliff and saves everyone, but he lose his left horn in the process. Pagoola leaves the herd and gives Bizo permission to lead the others. They both decide to leave the jungle.

      • EP34 - Time Illusion

        Tanner and his crew are searching for Abipollion (Abiporion), a legendary forest where the white wizard resides. His crew leave him to find food and water. He spots the legendary white lion running towards a huge cliff with a gorge.They both manage to fall in and discover a jungle with prehistoric inhabitants. Tanner and Kimba (Leo) also come across a Tyrannosaurus rex and other dinosaurs along the way. Tanner leaves a pistol in the creek where the animals drink from, which leaves gun residue behind, this poisons the dinosaurs, including the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Both want to help him recover, but the Tyrannosaurs rex goes and finds a place to die, not before showing the way out of the prehistoric jungle.Tanner figures out that the white wizard IS the white lion, Leo. The Abipollion (Abiporion) is actually Panja's jungle where the lion rules. He respects that Kimba (Leo) owns this territory and he takes the opportunity to leave the jungle with his crew.

      • EP35 - Threat

        A peaceful day in the jungle turns into tragedy when Kimba and Laiya discover birds dead in the water. Then an ominous dark cloud appears that's sending humans running for cover as acid rain begins to fall in the jungle.

      • EP36 - Reconciliation

        Skull rock started crying in the eyes of Kurosaji (Uncle Black Rhino) and the Jungla people. The tribe is preparing a ceremony to stop the rock from crying so the village will be cursed forever. The men capture six gazelles along with Tony and plan to sacrifice them with the black hidden treasure.Clayton and Lam want the black hidden treasure for themselves and plan to steal it. While not being the brightest humans in the bunch, they are not very successful being cautious and quiet. They do manage to sneak Tony away who has the black hidden treasure around his neck.Conga beings to grow fond of Kimba (Leo) for she realizes that he's trying to protect his fellow animals. After this revelation, Conga bandages Kimba (Leo)'s wound and works together with Kimba (Leo) to fight off the humans and retrieve Tony holding the black hidden treasure.

      • EP37 - Father

        During a rain storm, Kimba (Leo) can hear his father, Panja's voice calling him through the thunder while the lighting is pointing in his direction. Leo ventures out of Panja's jungle to find the village that Panja was shot in. Eventually, Leo finds Panja's hide in a hut where he was being worshiped as a god by the village. Leo steals his father's hide from the village after he is touched by his father's presence. He takes the hide back to Panja's jungle to watch over the jungle and its animals.

      • EP38 - Best Friend

        A baby giraffe is born on a dark and stormy night. The baby Lulu is a fearless wanderer who leads himself into danger unintentionally. Kimba (Leo) gives Myu a task to watch Lulu and makes sure he doesn't hurt himself. This leads to Myu and Lulu to form a friendship together. Lulu decides he wants to learn how to swim despite the challenge. Myu takes Lulu to a salt lake to practice swimming, despite Lulu's mother, and Kimba (Leo) advising against this. Lulu tries to get the hang of it but he can't seem to move forward when he floats.Suddenly, a clan of hyenas spot the pair and start to attack. Myu realizes his mistake and call the others to help. It's up to Kimba (Leo), Laiya, Coco, Tony and Martha is save Lulu.

      • EP39 - Nightmare

        A big expulsion occurs in the distance. Humans exterminate the remaining animals near the explosion because they're already exposed to radiation and don't wish the humans around the area. to fall ill from eating the exposed animals.While the animals from the expulsion site attempt to escape to Panja's jungle, Kimba (Leo) and Laiya find a mother gorilla (Gorga) who lost her baby (Gorna) at the expulsion site. Kimba (Leo) offers to to go look for her in case the baby is still alive through the rubble. Kimba (Leo) manages to find the baby gorilla and tells Gorna to come with him to see his mother.Suddenly, the humans find their location and try to hunt them down. Gorga shows up to find her baby, but is shot dead in the process. Gorna is invited to stay and play in Panja's jungle. However, Gorna is eventually poisoned to the point that the radiation kills her.

      • EP40 - Escape

        Miss Cliffon and her organization return to the jungle and builds a base camp behind Skull Rock to research precious metals found near the area. Each animal that goes near the camp gets immediately killed by the high security measures put in place. Lady is also throwing deadly gas bombs at animals in order to pick a sample to research them. Bubu, Toto and the vulture take notice as this and use this knowledge to convince the animals in a nearby jungle to fight the humans off, without telling them about the dead animals. Their plan is to gain the respect of the animals so that Bubu can become king.Kimba (Leo) tells the animals not to listen to Bubu as he's knows that every animals will be killed if they choose to fight. The animals insist on fighting anyway.

      • EP41 - Premonition

        One of the helicopters is back, targeting Marody's cliff for mining purposes. Kimba (Leo) and Marody's the barbary lion pride work together to defend the cliff and drive off the humans.

      • EP42 - Coexistence

        While the Jungla tribe prepares for their harvest festival, other humans from the organization camping nearby kidnap some of the tribe members, including Conga. They want to use them as slaves to finish building the base camp while abusing them as well. Kimba (Leo) remembers that Conga helped heal his wound; he decides to go rescue them.One of the organization members, Stuart, hates how the tribe members are being treated and decides to abandon the organization and help Kimba (Leo) and his friends save the members.

      • EP43 - Decision

        Miss Cliffon's organization's pervious failed plans cause them to send Lucifer's group who were previously stationed in South America to build another camp next to Marody's cliff.Keruru wants to prove his courage by fighting the humans head on but Kimba (Leo) knows that every animal will be killed before a weak point is discovered. He goes to fight with a group of barbary lions by his side. To save Keruru's group, Amaji joins Kimba (Leo) and the jungle animals and their plan to sabotage the humans' traps and prevent as many deaths as possible.

      • EP44 - Infiltration

        As general unrest plagues the jungle with the humans camping nearby, a mysterious, shadowy figure is reeking havoc. It starts killing animals in Panja's jungle. Kimba (Leo) tries to determine the cause. As the animals killed are ones that he's interacted with recently, he comes to the conclusion that the shadowy figure is after him.It turns out that the figure is named, Dan , a hyena being controlled by the humans: Kutter and Gainey, who are camping nearby. As Kimba (Leo) attempts to converse with the hyena, Keruru pushes it off the cliff, causing it to fall into the river below and die.

      • EP45 - Rebirth

        Coco, Tony, and Laiya feel that Kimba (Leo) is going to exhaust himself from constantly thinking about fighting the humans. Kimba (Leo) even goes as far as watching the humans when it isn't his turn, making sure the humans aren't starting trouble. He also has nightmares about it, which even makes resting difficult for him.Laiya decides to convince Kimba (Leo) to come with her to find some medicine for an injured leopard, even though her intention was to have Kimba (Leo) get away from the jungle and have his mind rest for a while and off of the humans. When Kimba (Leo) finds out about this, he wants to go back. The two end up getting lost and decide to end towards a waterfall, in the direction of Mt. Moon.Laiya wants to meet the Great Mother, Kimba (Leo) kindly accepts and takes her to Mt. Moon to meet the Great Mother. She has some wise words to say to them as they retreat back towards the jungle. For Kimba (Leo), is to not focus on the fighting to the death, but to protect the jungle and live on with its beautiful nature. For Laiya, she must believe in Kimba (Leo) and his cause, for he has found his destiny.

      • EP46 - Longing

        Maiya, a lion cub is being taught by his mother how to hunt. Poachers start approaching in a jeep. While trying to protect her son, Maiya's mother is shot in her left leg and has to retreat to a cave to heal. She meets Kimba (Leo) and Laiya and also introduces her son to them.Maiya grows fond of Keruru for his fighting style and need to take revenge on the humans. He yearns to grow strong like him and follows where Keruru goes, even to dangerous places where his mother told them not to go. Maiya chooses to disobey his mother's word and continues to go where Keruru goes.Eventually, all meet at a spot where the poachers are hunting some gazelles. Kimba (Leo) tries to distract the poachers while acting as a decoy. When on of the humans happens to get left behind without a way to defend himself, Keruru takes his opportunity to take revenge for humans killing his friends, by killing the human.

      • EP47 - Crown

        After an argument between Tony and Coco commences about how much of a coward Tony is, the two end their friendship and split. Tony decides to adopt a mandrill who was raised by humans as the other mandrills don't want him in their troop.As another argument starts about whether animals raised by humans should be able to live in the jungle, Coco decides to convince the mandrills that not all humans are out to kill animals. This was meant to decrease the bad association with humans in regards to other animals raised by them. He tells the story about how he used to live with humans before he met Tony and how Tony got his signature hat.

      • EP48 - Challenge

        The humans at the base camp: Lucifer, Joe, and Kutter, along with members from the Donga tribe, set a trap for Kimba (Leo). They do this by playing the old tape of Panja's roar that was used to catch Eliza. Kimba (Leo) is aware it's a trap but goes towards the humans to check it out.Kimba (Leo) is shot with tranquillizer gun by Lucifer as he wants to save the fight between him and the white lion for himself. Kimba (Leo) tries to run towards the forest of death to get away from the humans as he's too weak to fight. Lucifer and Joe follow him in as everyone else is too afraid to enter the forest full of swampy ground.The forest helps Kimba (Leo) hide from the humans chasing him, by leading him inside a tree hole until the tranquillizer stops taking effect. Lucifer gives up and promises that there will be another fight between him and the white lion.

      • EP49 - Concentration

        As the soldiers start clearing a path through the jungle, Kimba and other animals wronged by them strike back at their base.

      • EP50 - Victory

        With their camp destroyed, the soldiers try to hold their ground as the animals continue their counterattack.

      • EP51 - Episode 51


      • EP52 - Episode 52


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