
Jungle Taitei (1989) EP12 - Red Wings




Kimba (Leo) is curious about an eagle taking care of her nest when a panther shows up to eat them. While scaring the panther away, the eagles' mother, Martha (Masa) is resistant to trust a lion. When she realizes that Kimba (Leo) protected Myu from the leopard above their nest, Martha (Masa) begins to build his trust. For a reason that that is unknown to him, Kimba (Leo) wishes to help Myu fly, whatever the cost. When taken to Marody (Malody)'s cliff, Marody (Malody) can't fathom why Kimba (Leo) is wasting his time on a trivial task.

Marody tells the story of Gamera, a legendary bird that gain the power of flight from will power alone, along with a thousand red feathers to create red wings. Myu wanders off towards Stone Mountain, where Gamera lives to see if he could learn to fly like him. Kimba (Leo) eventually catches up to Myu, who has been interrupted by a snake. Once they climb to the top, they encounter, "Gamera" who is actually Martha (Masa) in disguise from the staining hot springs nearby. Myu is courageous enough to take a feather and fly on his own. They all meet the real Gamera, have a brief encounter, but was a misunderstanding as Gamera was protecting his children from the nearby threat. Kimba (Leo) recognizes the true meaning of destiny.