
Jungle Taitei (1989) EP36 - Reconciliation




Skull rock started crying in the eyes of Kurosaji (Uncle Black Rhino) and the Jungla people. The tribe is preparing a ceremony to stop the rock from crying so the village will be cursed forever. The men capture six gazelles along with Tony and plan to sacrifice them with the black hidden treasure.

Clayton and Lam want the black hidden treasure for themselves and plan to steal it. While not being the brightest humans in the bunch, they are not very successful being cautious and quiet. They do manage to sneak Tony away who has the black hidden treasure around his neck.

Conga beings to grow fond of Kimba (Leo) for she realizes that he's trying to protect his fellow animals. After this revelation, Conga bandages Kimba (Leo)'s wound and works together with Kimba (Leo) to fight off the humans and retrieve Tony holding the black hidden treasure.