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- Region:Japan
- Type:WEB
- English name:Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu / Isekai Izakaya: Japanese Food From Another World
- Official name:異世界居酒屋~古都アイテーリアの居酒屋のぶ~
- Chinese name:异世界居酒屋~古都阿伊特力亚的居酒屋「阿信」
- Other names:异世界居酒屋~古都阿伊特力亚的居酒屋阿信~
- Premiered:April 13, 2018
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Gourmet food / Workplace / Daily / Source novel
- Original author:蝉川夏哉
- Director:小野勝巳
- Scenario:吉田伸 / 立原正輝
- Storyboard:重田敦司 / 西澤晋 / 江上潔 / 京極尚彦 / 小野勝巳
- Co-director:小野勝巳 / 中島利洋 / まついひとゆき / 鳥羽聡 / 江上潔
- Studios:SUNRISE
- Copyright:©蝉川夏哉・宝島社 / 古都アイテーリア市参事会
- Family:Isekai Izakaya: Japanese Food From Another World
- Rating:12+
Isekai Izakaya: Koto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu
On a deserted street somewhere in Kyoto resides a Japanese style pub called "Izakaya Nobu." But this hole in the wall holds a secret: its entrance is mysteriously linked to another world!
Chief Yazawa Nobuyuki and his server, Senke Shinobu, have decided to open up business in this distant and strange land, an ancient city known as "Aitheria." Palace guards, craftsmen, merchants, noblemen... Nobu's doors are open for business, welcoming one and all with a cold beer and a warm meal!
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - Potatoes in Oden Filler
After a grueling day of training, two palace guards Hans and Nikolaus visits a new tavern with delicious dishes and beer not of their world.
EP2 - Juicy Kara-Age
What was the dish that stopped the commander known as The devil in his tracks? Hans accompanies Commander Berthold to the new Tavern that is popular with all the guards.
EP3 - The Rich Girl and the Impossible Order
The tavern is so popular that even the Nobles are paying a visit. But what happens when a young noble woman requests for food that no restaurant in all of Aitheria can accomplish? Will the Owner and Shinobu fulfill this young woman strange request?
EP4 - The First Kaisendon
Kamil and Ignaz are about to head off to their new money making venture, but before that, a visit to the tavern that's the talk of the town. Little do they know that their test of courage is only about to begin.
EP5 - Shinobu’s Special Napolitan
One of the most feared man in all of Aitheria is of course the Tax Collector Gernot. But when he visits Izakaya Nobu and the owner isn't around, what will Shinobu do? Can the beloved tavern survive against the strict Tax Collector?
EP6 - Kiss Day
Hans learns from Nikolaus that today is “Kiss Day” at Nobu. But what in the world does that even mean? Could it be that Shinobu…? He swings by, feeling a bit anxious and excited, to find the place swarming with male customers. Shinobu excitedly proclaims that she’s been looking forward to “Kiss Day.” What does she mean?
EP7 - The Burglar
Upon hearing that Nobu’s been robbed, Deacon Edwin pays a visit to the pub with Nikolaus. Much to their shock, the place is open for business as usual. Nikolaus begins to ask Shinobu questions, and she tells the tale of a small thief that showed up during the day. Just who is this criminal…?
EP8 - After Work Tonjiru
It’s a freezing winter night… Only a handful of customers have swung by Nobu, and there’s an abundance of tonjiru left in the kitchen. As Nobuyuki and Shinobu are about to call it quits, they find Nikolaus passed out in front of the pub. They quickly bring him inside and tend to him as he starts telling them about the disaster he faced and the hardships that followed. Just what kinds of painful things has this man been through? What’s his secret to overcoming it all?
EP9 - The Company Commander's Weakness
Berthold is known far and wide as a devil of sorts. There are few in the ancient city who don’t fear him. But even a man as intimidating as he has something he cannot eat: squid. Unfortunately for him, he is soon to meet with a squid fisherman’s daughter for a potential arranged marriage. He comes to Nobuyuki hoping to squash his distaste for squid by trying a multitude of different dishes, but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t even bring himself to take a single bite. Roasted dry squid, squid sashimi, minced squid balls, fried calamari… Nevermind salted squid guts. Just what IS Berthold’s beef with squid...?
EP10 - Uninvited Guests
Baron Brentano is known as something of a foodie throughout Aitheria. One day, he and his servants drop by Nobu. Damian, one of Brentano’s loyal men, uses a hired bodyguard to force Nobuyuki into closing up shop for everyone but his master. He then demands that he serve ankake yudofu immediately. Nobuyuki turns down the request, explaining that he only serves that dish during the winter. Damian goes on to then order schnitzel. Nobuyuki steps out to get a recipe for it, while Shinobu and Eva remain behind to make sandwiches for the staff, but...
EP11 - A Clash of Masters
Holger, a blacksmith maestro, and Lorenz, a glass crafting master, have been friends since childhood. One day, they run into each other at Nobu and immediately begin to glare at each other. Competitive as always, the two begin to argue about whose order goes better with whatsontap, whose order tastes better, etc… An uneasy atmosphere begins to settle over Nobu…
EP12 - Beauty and the Abura-age
It’s just another day at Nobu, when the crew spots a woman sitting at the counter before closing time. She’s wearing a suikan, a type of outfit that only Japanese nobles wear, and carries a bizarre aura about her. She orders cold sake with abura-age. Oddly enough, she’s never been to Nobu, and yet Nobuyuki and Shinobu both feel like they’ve seen her gloomy eyes somewhere before…
EP13 - Menchi-Katsu
Rolf and Corona run an inn called “The Flying Wheel” together. One day, the two of them swing by Nobu. Impressed by Shinobu’s work ethic, Corona asks her to marry her grandson. While she’s bewildered and flustered by this sudden proposal, Rolf challenges Nobuyuki to a duel to see which establishment serves better meat dishes. Nobuyuki goes into battle with menchi-katsu, determined to win.
EP14 - The Spy and the Salad
Jean-François Mount de La Vigny is a spy in the neighboring country of Oilia. He’s on an undercover investigation in Aitheria, the empire’s most ancient of cities. While doing research on food distribution, he comes across a special salad served at Nobu and is stunned. Do people in the empire always get to eat fresh vegetables? His mind is awash with questions.
EP15 - Kabayaki Without Honor
Reinhold’s subordinate from the water transport guild, “Golden Willow Boat,” is found poking around on “Water Dragon’s Scale” turf. Its master, Gotthard, comes to Reinhold asking for compensation, but unfortunately, all they can afford to give up are fishing rights to the river. Supposedly, it’s filled with rich eels, but people say their muddy smell makes them unpopular as food…
EP16 - The Company Commander's Triumphant Return
Berthold returns to the ancient city having successfully married Hermina. However, things don’t go quite as planned and the couple are unable to move into their new home. Berthold takes his newly betrothed to Nobu and asks if they can watch over her for a bit. Meanwhile, things have gotten busy for Nobuyuki and Shinobu ever since their kabayaki became a huge hit in the city. They’re worried they might not be able to accommodate customers who come in for drinks. It’s then that Hermina says something that could very well lead them to the answer to their problems…
EP17 - A Tempura Early Summer Mix
“Bears of the Flower Garden” has not once closed since its opening many moons ago. Unfortunately, the sun is setting on the restaurant, and its final days are approaching fast. The regulars sit around with its owner, Björn, celebrating the start of his brand-new life. Nobuyuki sends over some mixed tempura as a farewell gift. The owner enjoys one final time with his regulars, drinking good drinks and eating good food. Nobuyuki and Shinobu, struck by this sight, have an idea.
EP18 - The Great Drunken Kara-Age Debate
Berthold, Hans, and Nikolaus are all having drinks at Nobu as per the usual. Today, they’re discussing which flavor of kara-age they should order: salt or soy sauce. Berthold prefers salt, but Nikolaus is all in on soy sauce. They both preach about their preferred flavor, but the debate seems to be going nowhere. Finally, the two turn to Hans for his opinion, but where does he stand…?
EP19 - The Female Merc
Léontine, a female mercenary working for the eastern kingdom of Oilia, is on her way north to visit a group of nobles. She takes this opportunity to search for a man she once crossed blades with on the battlefield: the “Devil.” Where does this man find himself now? Léontine says she’s looking to pay him back, but...
EP20 - The Secret of Whatsontap: Part 1
City council chief Backeshof, one of the best merchants in all of Aitheria, has set his eyes on purchasing Nobu. Shinobu stubbornly refuses his offer, but he responds by informing her that whatsontap is actually an illegal alcohol. If that is true, then that means that they’ve been violating the empire’s law this entire time. Not only could Nobu get shut down for good, but Nobuyuki and Shinobu could find themselves sentenced to death!
EP21 - The Secret of Whatsontap: Part 2
Judgement day has arrived for Nobuyuki and Shinobu. Gernot runs a thorough investigation into the charges against the pair and discovers that there are lager barrels that have been moved about illegally. Gernot reveals the details in front of those gathered at Nobu. A shocking truth, unveiled!
EP22 - The Old Man and Fish
One day, Johann=Gustav swings by Nobu with a dignified looking old man at his side. The older gentleman savors whatsontap with a smile, excitedly trying all sorts of different dishes one after the other. Pickled small horse mackerel, panko-fried Spanish mackerel… The older man is overwhelmed by the multitude of exotic dishes he’s never tasted before. Supposedly, this strange gentleman is Johann’s uncle, but who is he really…?
EP23 - The Tale of the Three Northern Territories Conference
At the behest of the last emperor, the distribution of lager has been approved and made legal. Nobuyuki and Shinobu are thrilled by this news. Gernot drops by for the first time in a while and orders loads of napolitan. While he waits for his order, he starts talking about a certain incident that took place at a recent conference between three northern territories. Something about it sounds awfully familiar…
EP24 - Ale from the Ancient City
Baron Brentano shows up at Nobu one day with barrels of the finest ale in tow. Drinks on the house for all! After going so long drinking poorly stored ales, the wonderful aroma of this new arrival fills the customers with absolute joy. It was these loyal customers that had saved Nobu from its crisis. Six long months have gone by since Nobuyuki and Shinobu opened up shop in Aitheria…