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- Region:Japan
- Type:OVA
- English name:Tenchi Muyou! GXP: Paradise Shidou-hen / Tenchi Muyo! GXP Paradise Starting
- Official name:天地無用!GXP パラダイス始動編
- Chinese name:天地无用!GXP パラダイス始動編
- Other names:天地无用!GXP 乐园始动编
- Premiered:May 26, 2023
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Funny / Science fiction / Harem / Source manga
- Original author:梶島正樹
- Director:浅見隆司 / ねぎしひろし
- Scenario:白根秀樹
- Storyboard:松尾慎 / さとうふみかず / 梶島正樹
- Co-director:浅見隆司 / 中野敬太 / 松尾慎 / 中山敦史
- Studios:AIC / EXNOA
- Production cooperation:ゼロジー / デジタルネットワークアニメーション
- Producers:合同会社 EXNOA
- Copyright:©梶島正樹 ©2022 EXNOA LLC
- Family:Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki
- Rating:12+
Tenchi Muyou! GXP: Paradise Shidou-hen
Seina's epic misadventures are moving from the depths of space to his home on Earth.
While he's made just as many friends as he did enemies on his journey, it's time to go back to those he loves on his own planet.
But he quickly learns that things aren't the same as they used to be.
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - Back... to my old home? From Renza-
Seina Yamada, now a grown adult, returns to Earth after spending time in Renza. Many things have changed back home while he's been in space, namely his new living arrangements with Tsukiko Masaki, his mother-in-law.
EP2 - Cheerful Farm Village Life
The second day after Seina's return, a party is held in Masaki Village to celebrate Seina's return and to welcome people new to Earth, particularly Miki, who showcases an extra close relationship to Tsukiko. The women of the village are very interested in the group and in getting their first look at the grown Seina. Miki and the others decide to help out with the village's work so that they too can make their home there. A few days later, Jovia returns from her hometown visit, but...
EP3 - Like Attracts Like and Becomes More Alike
Jovia confesses to everyone that her identity was discovered in her hometown. An exasperated Seina calls Seto to apologize. Later, Seina, Tsukiko, and Jovia are ordered to get Tabletop Island ready for its use. The first thing they need to do is travel to the edge of the solar system to retrieve the ship that will serve as its base. Kuis Panta meets them and they are immediately attacked by a pirate fleet. After dealing with them, Jovia is alone and sulking and seems to attract a ghost?
EP4 - Tenchi Turbulence
EP5 - Tsukikagekouhi
盤上島の最終調整の中で訪れた“夢”の体験中に魔素風邪の兆候が現れた月湖は、朦朧とする意識の中で夢を見ていた。しかしそれらは関わり初めであったにもかかわらず、月湖の持つ 魔法 へのポテンシャルを引き上げていく。夢か現実かがあやふやななか、魔素“システム”の記憶を垣間見るが、それは月湖の懐かしい思い出でもあった。時を同じく正木村月湖宅にひとつの影。“昨夜の情事”確認のため潜入した海であったが、その“痕跡はなく”拍子抜けする。ふと周囲を見ると西南宛にGP宅配で届けられた“パンフレット”が否応なく目に入るのであった。
EP6 - Welcome to Paradise!