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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Arc-V
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameYu☆Gi☆Oh! Arc-V / Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
  • Official name遊☆戯☆王ARC-V
  • Chinese name游戏王ARC-V
  • Other names游戏王ARC-V 2 / 游☆戯☆王 アーク・ファイブ / Yūgiō Āku Faibu / ゆうぎおうアークファイブ
  • PremieredApril 6, 2014
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsScience fiction / Competitive / Combat / Card
  • Original author高橋和希
  • Director小野勝巳
  • Scenario新井輝 / 前川淳 / 上代務 / 広田光毅 / 雑破業
  • Storyboardながはまのりひこ / 片貝慎 / 西田章二 / 山本隆太 / 羽原久美子
  • Co-directorながはまのりひこ / 高田昌宏 / 児谷直樹 / 静雪月夜 / 茉田哲明
  • Studiosぎゃろっぷ
  • Production cooperationエクラアニマル / GONZO
  • Copyright(C)高橋和希 スタジオ・ダイス / 集英社・テレビ東京・NAS
  • FamilyYu☆Gi☆Oh!
  • Official website
  • Rating12+

Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Arc-V

Action Duels, which allow duelists to soar and swing alongside their Duel Monsters, are taking the world by storm.

Due to an evolutionary breakthrough, the "Solid Vision" system is now able to provide Duel Monsters with mass.

Yuuya Sakaki is Yuusho Sakaki's son, the latter being the founder of You Show Duel School in Miami City.

Yuusho insists that duels are not a tool of war, but rather are to bring smiles to people and thus introduced the concept of Entertainment Dueling.

However, at the height of his fame, Yuusho disappears and fails to attend his duel with Strong Ishijima, the Action Duel champion.

Although scarred by this sudden leave, Yuuya vows to become an Entertainment Duelist like his father.

Several years later, in the midst of a battle with Strong Ishijima, Yuuya's desperation to win brings forth a miracle.

His pendant begins glowing, turning his cards into Pendulum Cards, which enables him to perform a Pendulum Summon—a summoning method unknown to the world and himself—gaining him fame overnight.

As a result, Reiji Akaba, CEO of Leo Corporation and founder of the elite Leo Duel School, starts producing new Pendulum Cards to incorporate Pendulum Summoning into the system.

Thus, the mysteries that surround Pendulum Summoning and Yuuya's father start to unravel, and Yuuya learns bit by bit what it takes to become an Entertainment Duelist.


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      • EP148 - The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum

        零児の「超死偉王」の前になすすべもない遊矢だが、ユート、ユーゴ、ユーリの後押しを受け、全身全霊で零児に立ち向かう!! 両者一歩も譲らぬ闘いを見守る人々、フィールドに立つモンスターたち、そして対戦相手の零児をも巻き込み、遊矢のエンタメデュエルは進化を遂げる…!! みんなを笑顔にするためのラストデュエル、その果てに遊矢を待つものは!?

      • EP147 - The Unleashed Dragons

        4体のドラゴンの力をみんなを笑顔にするために使うと誓う遊矢。その想いに応えるように、ドラゴンたちの攻撃はジャックをじりじりと追い詰めていく! しかし、ジャックとの闘いを終えてもレイラからズァークの魂は消えず、笑顔は戻らなかった。自分にはまだ何かが足りない…そう痛感する遊矢に与えられた最後の試練、デュエルの相手は!?

      • EP146 - Dimension Highway

        黒咲とのデュエルを終えた遊矢の前に、ジャックが立ちふさがる! 今の遊矢では誰一人救うことなどできないと断言するジャックに、己の信じるデュエルで再び挑む遊矢だが、4体のドラゴンを召喚することに恐れを感じ、次第に追い詰められていく! その時、遊矢の中で「彼ら」の声が…!?

      • EP145 - Endless Rebellion


      • EP144 - The Cursed Gear Mask

        エクシーズ次元へと向かう遊矢を待っていたのは、黒咲ではなくデニスだった! 融合次元の襲撃が残した悲しみが消えないこの次元に、遊矢はデニスとともにエンタメデュエルで笑顔を取り戻そうとする。しかし、デニスは手札の「古代の機械(アンティークギア)」カードを手にするのだった! デニスの目的とは…!?

      • EP143 - Soul of the Supreme King

        かつてズァークだった遊矢を救うために犠牲となったレイラに笑顔を取り戻すため、そして姿を消した柚子を救うため、遊矢はフィールドに残った権現坂を相手に、新たな闘いを決意する!! 数々の激戦を切り抜けてきた親友2人のデュエルは、観客も息を飲むような熱戦を繰り広げるのだった…!

      • EP142 - Overflowing Memories

        舞網市内の火山フィールドでは遊矢、権現坂、沢渡、月影によるバトルロイヤルが繰り広げられていた! 遊矢と沢渡のエンタメデュエルを中心に各々が全力でぶつかる闘いの中、突然、遊矢の脳裏にシンクロ次元でのデュエルの記憶がよみがえる…! その記憶が意味するもの、そして零児の目的とは!?

      • EP141 - Junior Youth Championship


      • EP140 - Pendulum of the Soul


      • EP139 - The Eyes Tainted by Darkness

        次にズァークの前に立ちふさがるのは、沢渡、そしてカードからよみがえったクロウ・ホーガン!! 2人がデュエルを通して訴えかける遊矢への想いに、ズァークは一瞬の動揺を見せる。しかしそれを振り切るかのように「覇王眷竜オッドアイズ」を召喚するズァーク、その目前には赤馬零王の姿が…!!

      • EP138 - The Shadow-Winged Dragon

        白熱するズァークとのデュエル、続いて権現坂とジャックが挑む! ズァークはユーゴのドラゴンに似た「覇王眷竜クリアウィング」を召喚、フィールドに更なる脅威をもたらす…!ジャックは己の魂「レッド・デーモンズ」を守り抜くことで、ズァークの中に閉ざされた遊矢の「エンタメ魂」を取り戻そうとするのだった!!

      • EP137 - The Rebellious Supreme King's Dragon Servant

        素良とエドの戦略すらものともしないズァークのデュエル。倒れた仲間の意思を継ぐべく、黒咲とカイトが立ち上がる! ズァークの「覇王眷竜」が放つすさまじい力に耐えながら、ユートを、そして遊矢を助けようと2人は一心不乱にズァークへと挑んでゆく! その想いは奇跡を生むことができるのか!?

      • EP136 - Reign of the Supreme Dragon King

        遊矢のデュエルで世界に平和がもたらされる…そう信じる零児たちの目前で、ついに「ズァーク」が目覚める…!! ズァークは言う、遊矢を信じる皆の想いが己を復活させたのだと。その強大な力で人々を絶望へと追い込むズァークを止めるため、素良とエドをはじめとするランサーズたちの新たな闘いが幕を開ける!!

      • EP135 - The Trembling Dimensions

        遊矢とユーリのデュエルが繰り広げられる一方、零王はついに「アークファイブ」の起動に成功し次元統合を開始する…! そんな中、激しさを増すユーリの攻撃に次第に追い詰められていく遊矢だが、ユートのため仲間のために力の限り闘う!! ついに2人のデュエルは決着を迎えようとしていた…!

      • EP134 - Allure of Darkness

        父・遊勝を倒したユーリへの怒りが頂点に達する遊矢。ついに遊矢vsユーリのデュエルが始まる!! 遊矢は父が残してくれた「スマイル・ワールド」のカードを手に、恐れずに闘う決意をするが、フィールドのドラゴンたちが共鳴し始めるのと同時に、心に拡がる闇は遊矢とユートを苦しめるのだった…!!

      • EP133 - A Dazzling Entertainment Show

        エンタメデュエルでユーリを追い詰めていく遊勝。「ズァーク」に飲み込まれそうになるのを必死にこらえる遊矢は、そんな父の姿を誇らしげに見つめ、自分を取り戻そうとしていた! しかし、追い詰められれば追い詰められるほど、ユーリの口元には笑みが広がるのだった…!

      • EP132 - The Peerless Entertainer

        強大な力を手に、不気味な笑みを浮かべるユーリの標的は遊矢に…!! それを阻止すべくユーリの前に立ちふさがる遊勝。息子・遊矢への想いを胸に、ユーリとの激闘が幕を開ける…!! 遊勝のエンタメデュエルは、ユーリの暴走を止めることができるのか…!

      • EP131 - The Light Shining in Eternal Darkness

        復活の時が近づくレイの想いを伝えようとする零羅が、零児の前に立ちふさがる!! 零王の野望を阻止するため、先を急ぐ零児は「DDモンスター」で猛攻を仕掛けるが、それを上回る零羅の戦略に驚がくする…!! 同じ頃、ユーゴvsユーリの闘いに決着がつこうとしていた!

      • EP130 - The Greedy Venomous Dragon


      • EP129 - Glimpse of the Supreme King


      • EP128 - Decisive Battle! Spirit Tech Force

        赤馬零王の目的は、「リバイバル・ゼロ」を遂行し、柚子たち4人の少女を統合すること。それを聞き、怒りに満ちる遊矢、そして父との決別を決意する零児の2人は、零王の野望を打ち砕くべくデュエルを挑む!! 一方、その闘いを固唾(かたず)を飲んで見守る遊勝の心には、息子・遊矢に対する得体の知れない違和感が満ち溢れていくのだった…。

      • EP127 - Revival Zero


      • EP126 - The Day the Devil was Born

        素良をカード化しようとするユーリの前に現れたユーゴは、ユーリにデュエルを挑む!2人が互いのドラゴンを召喚し激闘を繰り広げていたその頃、遊勝は零児たちとともに赤馬零王と対面していた。世界を破滅へと導く悪魔のデュエリストとその4体のドラゴンの存在を語り始める零王…!! 世界が4つの次元に分裂したその理由とは!?

      • EP125 - The Blazing Dragon

        瑠璃を救おうとする遊矢とユートの前に現れるセレナ。2人を操るドクトルの思惑通り、「パラサイトモンスター」の威力は遊矢たちを追い詰め、さらに遊矢そのものに異変をもたらす…!! オッドアイズ、ダーク・リベリオン、2体のドラゴンが姿を現したその時、遊矢はまるで悪魔のような表情を浮かべるのだった!!

      • EP124 - The Revived Phantom Knights

        セレナに連れ去られた柚子を捜し、アカデミアを走る遊矢は偶然にも瑠璃と出会う。遊矢の中のユートも瑠璃の無事を喜んでいたその時、豹変した瑠璃がデュエルを挑んでくる! ユートの強い想いから、遊矢のデッキからはユートのカードが現れ、「デュエルは笑顔をもたらすもの」と教えてくれた瑠璃を救うため、ユートの闘いが始まる!!

      • EP123 - The Glorious Mechanical Dragon

        アカデミア内で合流した遊勝と零児たちの前に、ユーリが襲い掛かる…!! 明日香は遊勝をプロフェッサーのもとに向かわせ、ひとりユーリに立ち向かうのだった。アカデミアの選ばれし者に与えられる「優等生デッキ」を手に不気味な笑みを浮かべるユーリに対し、遊勝の教えである「笑顔のデュエル」を伝えようとする明日香。かつて同じアカデミアの生徒だった2人の闘いの行方は…!?

      • EP122 - Glory on the Academia!


      • EP121 - The Wicked Brand


      • EP120 - The Battle Beast


      • EP119 - The Little Bird Trapped in Darkness


      • EP118 - Survival Duel


      • EP117 - The Sinister Bell's Chime


      • EP116 - Protectors of the Sun and Moon


      • EP115 - Duel Pirate Captain Solo


      • EP114 - The Supergalaxy Shining in the Darkness


      • EP113 - The Thirst for Carnage


      • EP112 - Toward a City Filled with Smiles


      • EP111 - Pendulum Heart


      • EP110 - The Torn Smile World


      • EP109 - The Falcon Perishes on the Battlefield


      • EP108 - Amazoness Trap


      • EP107 - The Duel-Starved Amazoness


      • EP106 - Arc Area Project


      • EP105 - Bonds of the Resistance


      • EP104 - The HERO Bearing the Name of "D"


      • EP103 - The Radiant Cyber Angels


      • EP102 - The Heartless Hunter


      • EP101 - Galactic Eyes


      • EP100 - The Metropolis of Despair - Heartland

        Yuuya reaches a new place... The city in the Xyz Dimension called Heartland , the hometown of Yuuto and Shun. Being separated from Yuzu once more, Yuuya wanders along the dilapidated streets with Shingo and Noboru. Before them, Duel Academy soldiers appear. At the same time, a duelist wielding a dragon appears to battle.

      • EP99 - The Eternal Duel

        Declan and Roger begin their Duel with their pride on the line! Despite Declan's marvelous display of his D/D Deck, Roger manages to counter his strategies. However, something unexpected happens to Roger's appearance. Meanwhile, Yuya, Jack and the Lancers reach the Security building, where Declan is.

      • EP98 - Towards the Only Path

        Summoning 5 monsters at once, Yuuya's white-hot duel manages to grab the attention of everyone in the City. Jack power-ups his Red Daemon's Dragon in response and determines to face Yuuya with all he has. The duel between Yuuya and Jack finally reaches a conclusion.

      • EP97 - The Sublime Super Paladin

        As the chaos in the City escalates, the leader of the Lancers, Reiji finally makes his own move! At the same time, Jack easily fends off the Duel Chasers, and drives Yuuya into a corner. On the other hand, Yuuya uses his own dueling in order to respond to Jack!! As their souls push the duel to a new height, a new monster was awakened…!!

      • EP96 - Borrowed Words

        Yuuya arrives at the Duel Palace, where Jack is waiting, and shows his resolve to Jack. Roger then sends his Security troops to the Duel Palace, and the Commons follow them. While the citizens of the City watch on, Jack and Yuuya begin the duel that they believe in!

      • EP95 - The Duel You Believe In

        The moment Jack and Sergey’s duel reached its conclusion, the Commons begin their riot once again. Roger, who has lost his trump card, has led the City into chaos once again. Meanwhile, as Yuuya is shaken after listening to Yuzu’s desperate wish, he received a certain message from Sam. It was a message from....

      • EP94 - The Right Arm that Carved Souls

        As Jack and Sergey’s intense duel continues, the City has fallen into chaos. Sergey pushes Jack into a corner, while Yuuya and the others manage to reach the Public Security Maintenance Bureau, where Yuzu is being held.

      • EP93 - The Destructive Duel Machine

        After losing both Selena and Yuzu, Yuuya sets off with his friends to rescue them! Meanwhile, the City is thrown into chaos due to the Commons riot. As a countermeasure, Roger decides to carry out a second semifinal match! The match is between the King, Jack Atlas, who receives overwhelming support from the citizens, and Sergey!!

      • EP92 - A Tragic Reunion

        As Yuuya and Barrett’s intense battle continues, Yuugo and Yuuri confront each other in a nearby area. As all four of Yuuya, Yuuto, Yuugo, and Yuuri’s dragons appear on the field one by one, something abnormal happens to Yuuya once again!! On the other hand, Roger, who is hell-bent on capturing Yuzu, has sent Sergey to her location...

      • EP91 - Converging Fates

        Due to the Obelisk Force's attack affecting the situation, Shun, Noboru, and Yuzu are caught in the chaos in the underground. On the other hand, while Yuuya fiercely fights back, the effects of Barrett's Medals push him into a corner. At that moment, Sora manages to get to Reira and Selena's location and confesses his true feelings. However, Yuuri is right behind him...!

      • EP90 - The Beacon of Revolution

        Yuya arrives just as Reira's strength is diminishing as he stands against the Obelisk Force by himself. In order to protect Reira and Selena, Yuuya begins a duel. However, Barrett then arrives to aid the Obelisk Force. Willing to risk his own life to retrieve Selena, Barrett begins a duel against Yuuya!

      • EP89 - Assault! Obelisk Force

        Sora is surprised by the Obelisk Force's sudden arrival. Roger decides to use Sergey to intercept them. On the other hand, after the end of the duel, Yuugo and Yuuri’s minds return to normal, and they once again confront each other. Elsewhere, Tsukikage and Reira run into the Obelisk Force. The two of them split up to fight against the Obelisk Force, but were pushed into a corner!!

      • EP88 - One Strike of Lightning!

        Yuuya, Yuuto, Yuugo, and Yuuri...The four's minds are synchronized. Yuuya, who has turned vicious, summons Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon and drives Crow into a corner. Noticing that something is wrong with Yuuya and worrying about his well-being, Sora begs for Crow’s help. Having accepted Sora's request and determined to save Yuuya, Crow faces his duel with resolve, preparing to face even death itself!!

      • EP87 - The Memories of the Beast

        The semifinals of the Friendship Cup is carried out in a hurry. The first match is Yuuya vs Crow! Crow apologizes for misunderstanding Yuuya and the Lancers, while Yuuya asks for Crow’s help in order to save his friends. As they vow to help each other achieve his own motive and begin their Duel, something abnormal happens to Yuya, making him gone berserk throughout the entire duel!

      • EP86 - Unwavering Resolve

        As Selena is on her way to the Underground Labor Facility, a group of Security attacks her and forcibly restrains her. Reira then appears, equipped with a duel disk, in order to rescue Selena from her predicament.

      • EP85 - Crystal Wings

        While Roger's plans are unfolding causing the duel to move towards Selena's favour, the two duelists keep exchanging attacks between each other, bringing excitement to the audience! Meanwhile, Yuya, who has been locked up, synchronizes his mind with Yugo's, causing him to feel the Riding Duel as Yugo does. Yuya and Yugo's minds bring the duel towards a new direction...!

      • EP84 - The Dice Roll of Destiny

        In the midst of Jean's plans unfolding, Yugo (or Hugo) and Selena's duel begins. Yugo is at first confused by the similarities in looks between Selena and his childhood friend, Rin. However, when he receives an attack from his opponent, he snaps out of it and gives his all for the duel. However, when Yugo launches his attack on Selena, something unexpected happens on the duel lane. Jean ordered the duel lane to change course, which made Selena's D-Wheel to automatically travel to the new course, but not for Yugo's D-Wheel! He managed to manually skid across to the new duel lane and continued the duel. But after a while, the duel lane changed course again just when Yugo is about to reach an Action Card, which made Yugo suspect that someone is toying with the duel, and the duel continues...

      • EP83 - The Bond Between Master and Disciple

        Yuzu is surrounded by Security together with Frank, Tanner and Amanda. However, none of them have a duel disk to shoo off the security. But, Sora came to the rescue and gave Yuzu a spare duel disk. Together they defeated the Security and managed to escape. Jean ordered Security to put extra effort in their pursuit for Yuzu. Meanwhile, a duel between Hugo and Selena is about to start.

      • EP82 - The Ultimate Falcon VS The Black-Feathered Thunder

        The second round of the Friendship Cup. The clash between Crow and Shun reaches an all new level of excitement. However, facing Crow with his ace monster Special Summoned by his resurrected 'Phantom Synchro' technique (a method of summoning a Synchro Monster from the Graveyard, instead of the Extra Deck), Shun suddenly calls out for the duel to be cancelled. Crow ignores Shun's pleas and insists on with the duel. What actually happened before Shun's eyes??

      • EP81 - Each and Their Own Battlefield

        In order to prove whether Crow is an enemy or a friend, Shun duels against him. Seeking vengeance for his fellow Commons, Crow clashes fiercely against Shun!! An intense aerial battle between their monsters unfolds. Meanwhile, Roger agrees with Yuya's desire to make everyone smile through dueling, and offers to collaborate with Yuya, so that they can both achieve their dreams.

      • EP80 - Reunion that Transcends Dimensions

        Jean cordially praises Yuya for winning his Duel. Seeing this, Shinji and the Commons begin to suspect that there's a connection between Yuya and Jean. In order to look for Sora, Yuya escapes from the Duel Palace.

      • EP79 - The Enlightened Paladin

        Trusting in Sora's message that Yuzu is fine, Yuya puts in all his thoughts and draws his card. The card he drew is the one that Sam gave to him, the card that mustn't be used, 'Tuning Magician'. While everyone is believing that is a miss, Yuya trusts in the card that he drew...!! He managed to synchro summon 'Enlightenment Paladin' thanks to 'Tuning Magician', and managed to win the duel in the end with surprising effects from this monster.(Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia, edited)

      • EP78 - Storm of Revolution

        While Yuya worries over the condition of Yuzu, he is suddenly called to duel Shinji. Yuya tries to argue against Shinji's thoughts to stir up a revolution within this world, but is backed down to a corner by his opponent's relentless attacks. During the duel, Sora, who is holding Yuzu's helmet for Riding Duels, calls to Yuya and pointing at the helmet, which might indicate that Yuzu is rescued and she is fine. With this in mind, Yuya continues the duel...

      • EP77 - The Beauty of Destruction

        The first match of the second round is Yuzu vs. Sergey. Yuzu faces off against her opponent, aiming for the same goal as Yuya. As she tries to convey the message of the Interdimensional War through her duel, Sergey seems to be inviting Yuzu to attack him, inflicting more and more damage upon himself. Seeing all this, Yuzu attempts to stop the duel, but during the final part of the duel, Yuzu was attempting to reach for an Action Card. However, Sergey rams his D-Wheel into hers to prevent her from getting the Action Card. In a short amount of time, he gained victory. Though the ramming was a violent one, Yuzu and her D-Wheel flew off the duel track and crashed into a higher floor of a nearby tall building with glass breaking. A sudden explosion can be seen from the point of crash, but no trace of Yuzu nor her D-Wheel due to the heavy smoke. Whether or not she is ok is unknown, Yuzu's friends can do nothing but watch in shock....

      • EP76 - King's Gambit

        The Executive Council and Security finally clash together over the custody of Dennis. Although the Executive Council manages to seal away Security's powers, its leader, Roger, announces a new plan called King's Gambit . On the other hand, Sora appears before Dennis, who is injured thanks to the duel. He sends Dennis back to the Fusion Dimension and let Dennis tell the Professor that he will carry out the duties.

      • EP75 - Curse of the Resistors

        Dennis revealed his true identity in front of everyone. The other members of Lancers could not believe their eyes at such a revelation. Shun's wrath and hate reaches a zenith. While witnessing Dennis and Shun's Duel unfolding, Yuto starts to respond within Yuya.

      • EP74 - Mask of the Clown

        The last match for the first round of the Friendship Cup is between Shun and Dennis, both Lancers. Against Shun who suspects his identity, Dennis plays in his usual Entertainment style. However, when Shun forces him into a corner, Dennis suddenly Summons a new monster that surprises everyone!Dennis draws Antique Gear Chaos Fusion and subsequently activates it. By sending Fusion from his hand to his Graveyard and selecting one Antique Gear Fusion Monster in his Extra Deck, he can banish monsters from his Graveyard that were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck equal to the number of the selected Fusion Monster’s Fusion Material monsters, and then Special Summon those Fusion Material Monsters from his Deck, Extra Deck or Graveyard with their effects negated, ignoring the Summoning conditions. Dennis banishes Trapeze Magician and all three copies of Shadow Maker from his Graveyard to Special Summon Antique Gear Hound Dog from his Deck and Antique Gear Double Bite Hound Dog , Antique Gear Triple Bite Hound Dog and Antique Gear Ultimate Hound Dog from his Extra Deck. The effect of Antique Gear Chaos Fusion then sends the Special Summoned Fusion Materials to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon Antique Gear Chaos Giant in Attack Position.This revealed that Dennis is working for Academia in Fusion Dimension!

      • EP73 - The Crawling Losers

        Shingo lost his duel, and was subsequently sent to the underground. In that place, Noboru was arguing with the owner of the Underground Dueling Arena, Gallager. Gallager tells Noboru, Shingo and Tsukikage about the rules of the underground facility, and how to get back to the surface. On the other hand, Tsukikage, whom managed to escape from the facility, speaks to Yuya about Reiji and Reira's desires.

      • EP72 - Slaying the Dragon!! Yugo vs Sawatari

        Yuya is depressed at the reality that he cannot show the kind of Duel he believes in to the people of the City. As he mulls over it, the next duel between Yugo (aka Hugo) and Shingo begins. Facing off against Shingo's pride the Abyss Actor , Hugo summons his Clear Wing at the very beginning of the duel. As Yuya watches the two duel, his Deck starts glowing faintly.

      • EP71 - The Sword of White Silver

        The next duel is between Yuya and Duel Chaser 227. Learning from his defeat against Jack, and realizing that he must make the audience and his opponent smile through his Entertainment Duels, Yuya accepts the challenge. However, the audience seems to be more excited about Duel Chaser 227's plays!

      • EP70 - An Out-Of-Reach Shout

        The last match of the tournament's first day is Selena's! Her opponent is Tony Simmons. The loser will be sent to the Underground Labour Facility. Meanwhile, Yuya is inspired by the duel between Yuzu and Chojiro, and determines to stand up once again. At the same time, Jack appears before Reiji, Reira and the Executive Council, and begins talking about his past...

      • EP69 - The Sprinting Divas

        After ten years of silence, Chojiro Tokumatsu (aka Enjoy Chojiro) has finally returned to the stage! But, his opponent is Yuzu! Meanwhile, Yuya watches through the television set the Riding Duel debut of his childhood friend. Yuzu wants to show her everything to Yuya, and goes all-out against Chojiro's assault. In the end, Yuzu triumphed over Chojiro!

      • EP68 - All-Out Rebellion: Bee Force

        The next match is between Shinji against Tsukikage. In an attempt to change the problem of the class system in the City, Shinji calls out to all the Commons to stand up against the injustice. As Shinji moves forward against Tsukikage with his monsters that represent his ideals...

      • EP67 - The Light and Shadows of the City

        The next duel is Reira vs. Shinji, but Reira is unwilling to fight against Shinji. However, his brother, Reiji, comes up with an alternative option! On the other hand, slipping past the strict Security, Chojiro visits Yuya's room! He then tells Yuya about the fate of the defeated duelists!!

      • EP66 - Opening Duel!! Crow vs. Gongenzaka

        The Friendship Cup finally begins with much fanfare in the Duel Palace. The first match is between the Black Feather user, Crow, against Noboru, using Superheavy Samurais . Against Noboru who is confused with his first Riding Duel, Crow speeds with his D-Wheel, Blackbird. Noboru takes the first turn and goes all-out with his full power, trying his best to clear Yuya's negative reputation as the duelist who lost to Jack. On the other hand, Crow seems to be distracted by something among the audience, and could not focus on the Duel!

      • EP65 - The Shattered Entertainment

        Yuya keeps thinking about the words Jack said to him: Your duels are nothing but self-satisfaction only! And then, appearing before Yuya, is a teenage boy with a card in his hand. Later on, in the Duel Palace where the Friendship Cup is held, the participants are introduced one by one. On the other hand Yuzu, whom is worried about Yuya after his defeat, is in danger as she is surrounded by Security!

      • EP64 - Duel King: "Jack Atlas"

        As proof that they have came to form alliances with the Executive Council, the Lancers have to participate in the Friendship Cup under Reiji's proposal. Furthermore, Yuya is compelled to duel in an Exhibition Match during the previous night of the tournament, and his opponent is the Duel King - Jack Atlas! In a stadium completely filled with the high tensions of the audience, Yuya feels overwhelmed by Jack's presence, but he persists on with his ideal of an Entertainment Duel!

      • EP63 - King of Captors: "Goyo King"

        Yuya and co. was heading outside the Facility. However, Security's Arrest Corps are chasing after them, Summoning their Goyo monsters to hunt them down! Shingo takes the initiative and duels against them, but is quickly overwhelmed by the enemy's Goyo monsters. On the other hand, Yuya attempts to fight back with his summoned monsters and tries to fight a way to escape, but the Arrest Corps drives Yuya and co. into a corner. Just then, Shun shows up to aid them! Facing off against Security's powerful monsters, Shun demonstrates his overwhelming strength!

      • EP62 - Great Entertainment Duel Tournament!!

        Since the duel between Yuya and Tokumatsu, the inmates have become more lively. Meanwhile, Shinji suggests that Yuya should participate in the Great Entertainment Duel Tournament which takes place in the Facility. As Shingo and Tokumatsu enliven the duel, Yuya learns that Crow and Shinji are planning a jailbreak!

      • EP61 - The Man who Threw Away his Draws

        While the people of the Facility watch on, Yuya and Chojiro Tokumatsu began their intense duel. As Crow observes the duel, he begins speaking about the feelings that Tokumatsu used to cherish. Using the “Tokumatsu Lethal Combo” that allows him to draw and cut away Life Points, Chojiro drives Yuya into a corner. However Yuya wants to show the possibilities of dueling to Tokumatsu and using his Entertainment Duelling style, Yuya stands against Tokumatsu's Lethal Combo!

      • EP60 - Cards Determine Your Fate

        Yuya and his friends were captured by Security and were taken to the Facility that everyone fears, with the rumour that once you're in, there's no way out. Yuya, who is worried about the missing Reira, is reunited with his fellow Lancers. But the rejoice is short lived as they find a duelist who controls all prison guards and prisoners waiting for them.

      • EP59 - Underground Riding Duel!!

        Dennis deployed his Pendulum Summon in his duel against Shun. Detecting that summon, Jean-Michel Roger, the director of the Security, decided to keep an eye on them. On the other hand, Reira was depressed since Reiji is not with him. Yuya wants to make Reira smile, but a slight difference in their opinions caused some hostility between Crow and Yuya, and the two of them begin a duel.

      • EP58 - Invitation to the Dark Duel

        'Promoter' Gallager appeared before Noboru and Dennis, inviting them to the Underground Dueling Arena! While Noboru wants to reunite with the rest of the Lancers, Dennis wants to look for strong duelists to ally themselves with there. Much to their surprise, Shun was participating in a Riding Duel there, with the same aims as Dennis. In spite of Noboru's objection, Dennis challenged Shun to a Riding Duel to determine which of them shall try to reach Jack Atlas!

      • EP57 - The Black Whirlwind: Crow Hogan

        The name of the man who rescued Yuya and co. from their ordeal was Crow Hogan. Yuya and co. then temporarily hide in Crow’s hideout, and received some eyewitness information about Hyugo and Yuzu from the children who live there. Meanwhile, Dennis and Noboru wander through the City. In order to gain some information about the Lancers, the two of them participated in duels. While doing so, a mysterious guy watches over the two of them!

      • EP56 - Security's Perfect Encirclement!!

        Yuya and the Lancers have entered the Synchro Dimension. However, he realizes that only Shingo, Selena and Reira are around him. Almost immediately, they are surrounded by Security, thinking Yuya and Selena are Hyugo and Yuzu! While casting a scornful eye at a hesitant and bewildered Yuya, Shingo and Selena begin a duel against Security! When Yuya and Selena turn the odds against their opponents, more Security appears. Then, however, the sky turns dark...!

      • EP55 - Public Safety Coercion: The Duel Chasers

        Hyugo engages in a difficult battle against the Security! When they run into pursuers from the Security, Hyugo lets Yuzu onto his D-Wheel and then speeds away with it. His Riding Duel against the Security was going very smoothly. But! At the same time, Reiji, Yuya, and the other Lancers have crossed the dimensions, and are about to enter a new battlefield…

      • EP54 - The Synchro Dimension "City"

        While escaping from Yuri in the Battle Royale, Yuzu is unexpectedly teleported to Hyugo's homeland. While the two exchange all the events unfolded so far with each other, they are suddenly chased after by Security, and get caught in a Riding Duel!

      • EP53 "Smile World": A Duel Filled with Smiles

        Through his duel with his mother Yoko, Yuya learns of the legacy that his father Yusho has left behind - that is, a fiery passion towards dueling. Fully determined to battle against the different dimensions, Yuya makes a promise with his mother to save Yuzu and Sora! And then, the day of departure comes. To all the Lancers' surprise, Reiji announces a completely unexpected destination for this trip - Synchro Dimension!

      • EP52 - The Legendary Grandmaster Revives!!

        Yuya decides, that as a duelist and as a member of the Lancers, that he would save Yuzu at all costs. At the same time, Reiji's mother - Himika announces to the whole city of the cancellation of the Maiami Championship tournament, as well as the fact that invaders from different dimensions do exist. The city is flooded with well wishes for the chosen Lancers. As for Reiji, he announced that Leo Duel School will now be known as Lance Defence Soldiers to train any future potential Lancers by using their duelling curriculum. Despite Yuya having made his resolution to fight, his mother Yoko, knowing fully well what her son is really thinking, challenges him to a duel.

      • EP51 - Raise the Banner of Revolution: Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon

        Yuya and Reiji's duel rages on under the witnessing of all the selected Lancers . Facing off against Reiji with his Pendulum Summons, Yuya could not stop his overflowing thoughts for Yuzu. Despite being injured, Yuya endeavours on his duel against Reiji, knowing fully that this is a challenge he took on for the sake of Yuzu and Yuto. At last, the duel comes to a conclusion...!

      • EP50 - Lancers: The Chosen Warriors

        As Reiji speaks to everyone calmly, he reveals that the true purpose of the Battle Royale was to select Lancers who would fight against invaders from the different dimensions. However, thinking of Michio and the others who were carded, as well as Yuzu who went missing, Yuya could not stop his tears. Unable to contain his anger against Reiji, Yuya challenges him to a duel!

      • EP49 - Duels with Smiles

        Shun continues to fight against the Obelisk Force despite his injuries, assisted by Shingo and Noboru who suddenly entered into the duel. At the same time, Yuya duels against Sora but was responded with ridicule. Despite eventually being able to convey his thoughts to Sora and make him change his mind slightly.Eventually the duel was over when the clock hit 12 o'clock noon. Battle Royale is over. Yuya turns to Sora after realizing that Selena isn't Yuzu, asking where the real Yuzu is. Realizing that he's in trouble, Sora activates the forced return function of his duel disk, returning to the Fusion Dimension. Reiji's voice sounds out, explaining that he saw all of their duels. The others look up to see him standing on a higher walkway, and Shingo comments that Reiji came at a good time; Shingo cleared out that Duel Academy bunch like Reiji asked him to. He comments that that makes him one of Reiji's Lancers now. Noboru is confused by the term, and Shingo explains that the Battle Royale was a selection exam for the Lancers. Yuya is shocked by this explanation, and he looks up at the impassive Reiji.

      • EP48 - The Wounded Falcon

        Selena escapes, holding a wounded Shun in her arms. However, they are being pursued by Sora and the duelists from the Fusion Dimension. A 3-on-3 duel involving Selena, Shun and the others begins, pushing the Battle Royale to an even higher climax. Meanwhile, Yuya, who has been searching for Yuzu together with Noboru, meets Sora again. As he witnesses his once friend sealing people away into cards, he turns angrier and angrier.

      • EP47 - Yuri of The Cold Smile

        The Battle Royale in the Maiami Championship continued on. However, many invaders from different dimensions came, throwing the tournament into chaos. Yuya and Yuzu were then each involved in new battles...In order to prove to Selena the truth, Yuzu tries to approach Shun. However, standing before her way is Yuri, who received secret orders from Leo Akaba. While escaping from the overwhelming power of Yuri, Yuzu encounters Hyugo, who resembles Yuya. On the other hand, Sora and Shun's duel rages on, seemingly without an end. As the duel reaches its climax, yet another new intrusion...

      • EP46 - The Rebellious Supreme King Black Dragon

        In the midst of the Maiami Championship, many unknown invaders suddenly appeared out of nowhere, throwing the entire tournament into chaos. During the fierce duels, a changed Yuya summons his new dragon.Yuya's new dragon attacks the Obelisk Force mercilessly. Then, as if he was possessed by something, Yuya continues on his rampage despite having defeated the enemies. Rushing to the scene, Noboru and Mieru attempt to stop Yuya no matter what. On the other hand, Yuzu starts telling Selena the tragedy that the Fusion Dimension has inflicted upon the Xyz Dimension.

      • EP45 - Antithesis and Synthesis

        While Shun and Sora fight fiercely, Yuya witnessed with his very own eyes the Knights of Duels being sealed away into cards. Unable to contain his anger anymore, Yuya challenges the Obelisk Force duelists. However, Yuya is cornered by the Obelisk Force's cowardly tactics, and gradually begins to lose himself... At that moment, a magician appears to guide Yuya.

      • EP44 - Sora Shiun'in, Storms Forth!!

        The Entertainment Duel between Yuzu and Dennis starts. On the other hand, Yuya meets Shun at the Ancient Ruins Area (Wonder Quartet). As they exchange questions with each other, they are suddenly attacked by the Knights of Duels members and blasted away. Furthermore, a duellist who had previously gone missing appears again in front of them. The destinies and mysteries behind everything starts to move once more..

      • EP43 - The Marvelous Exchange Student "Dennis"

        Yuya is engaged in a tough battle against the two Ryozanpaku School students Makoto (or Shin) Takeda and Ken Umesugi. During the duel, the LDS exchange student, Dennis Macfield, suddenly enters the duel! With his marvellous tactics, he attacks Shin and Ken, helping Yuya at the same time. On the other hand, Yuya recalls his duel against Isao Kachidoki, and hesitates to attack. Will Yuya be able to retrieve his very own way of dueling , and obtain victory?

      • EP42 - Battle Royale Begins

        16 duelists, including Yuya, who passed the second round of Maiami Championship, now compete in a Battle Royale. This is a competition taking place in four Duel Fields, and Pendulum Cards are scattered around these fields. At the Iceberg Area, Yuzu and Noboru duel against Halil and Olga respectively, both exchange students of LDS. Over at the Volcano Area, Yuya faces off with Makoto Takeda and Ken Umesugi from the Ryozanpaku School in a tough 1 on 2 match, in which the latter are determined to win back the reputation of their own school...

      • EP41 - The Land of Ambition: Duel Academia

        Appearing before Reiji is Selena, a girl who resembles Yuzu. Furthermore, Reiji has already met with Selena once before back in the Fusion Dimension. Reiji travels through dimensions in order to chase after his father, whereas Selena crosses the dimensions in an attempt to obtain freedom from the Fusion Dimension... Everything, including the Professor's ambitions and the truths behind the Maiami Championship, are all made clear through the second meeting between Reiji and Selena.

      • EP40 - The Warriors of Academia

        During Yuzu and Noboru's second-round duels, Leo Duel School's Hokuto is attacked by someone. Reiji, who chased after the culprit that attacked Hokuto, reaches a girl with an appearance similar to Yuzu's. At that time, the girl's servant begins a duel with Reiji. In order to confirm who the Yuzu-like girl is, Reiji proceeds with the duel...

      • EP39 - Awakening of the Imperial Wrath

        Yuya's opponent is Isao Kachidoki from the Ryozanpaku School in the second round of the Maiami Championship. Facing against Isao who claims that victory is everything, Yuya tries to make his opponent smile with his Entertainment Duels. However, with his violent dueling methods, Isao forces Yuya to a corner. And then an abnormal change occurs before Yuya...

      • EP37 - The Destiny that Starts Moving

        Sora disappears from the duel field and all that's left are the three duelists; Yuya, Yuto and the mysterious Hyugo. Yuto challenges The Pawn of Fusion , Hyugo to a duel. However, Yuto finds himself being constantly hunted down by Hyugo, who is an expert user of Synchros. Yuya tries to stop the two of them, but could not. An impactful ending awaits them all at the end of this duel!!

      • EP36 - The Resonating Dragons

        Yuya, who couldn't stop the duel between Yuto and Sora, decides to dive into the duel himself with a Battle Royale rule. And then, out of the blue, when Yuya Pendulum Summons his Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon , Yuto's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon starts to resonate with it. Meanwhile, Sora, whose heart continues to burn for revenge against Yuto, finds himself victim of a strange event. In addition, a new duellist appears before a shaken Yuya, whose true face gives him a further shock.

      • EP35 - The Academia and The Resistance

        Sora lost to Shun and is undergoing treatment in the medical ward. However, he escapes from the medical ward, and clashes in a duel with Yuto! Yuya, learning that Sora has gone missing, finds Sora and meets the two duelling. Even though Yuya attempts to stop the duel, the two insist on continuing. The true situation between the Fusion world and the Xyz world would be made clear through this duel! On the other hand, Yuzu reveals all what she knows about Yuto to Yuya.

      • EP34 - The Merged Demonic-Beast VS The Evolving Falcon

        Sora's monsters are all destroyed by Shun's Raid Raptors . Even though he summoned an all new Fusion Monster, Shun's strategies are still one step ahead of him. As each of his monsters are destroyed consecutively, Sora starts to look more and more anxious... Eventually Sora reveals his true abilities, something which Yuya and the gang have never seen before. And his true self is!?

      • EP33 - Future Metropolis Heartland

        The heated battles continue in the Maiami Championship. Next up facing Sora is the mysterious Xyz user Shun. Their deep connection is hidden in their past, but is their mystery being revealed! Meanwhile Shun is quite shaken when he learned that the chosen Action Field was Future Metropolis Heartland . On the other hand, Sora duels Shun acting like his usual self, provoking Shun with Fusion Summoning. The duel continues and Shun starts talking about the Battlefield that he had seen...

      • EP32 - White-Hot Battle! Entertainment Duel Show!!

        The duel between Yuya and Shingo, who is thirsty for revenge, continues. Yuya is facing a tough battle with his Pendulum Summons sealed away. Even though he attempts to drive Shingo to a corner with his new methods. On the other hand, an all-out attack against him begins...!?

      • EP31 - The Howling Whirlwind: Yosen Lost Tornado!

        Yuya's first duel in the Maiami Championship finally begins! His opponent is the one who once suffered great humiliation, Shingo!! Yuya is determined not to lose, and challenges the Yosenju monsters with all he's got!! On the other hand, Shingo shows himself in a new form and by using the Yosenju monsters, his revenge scenario cannot be stopped!

      • EP30 - The Tested Steadfast Heart

        It's the first round of the Maiami Championship. Noboru's first battle begins, and his opponent is his former fellow disciple, Gen Ankokuji. Using a cunning trap, Noboru and Yuya are both played around with by Gen. Furthermore, an inconceivable crisis awaits them both...

      • EP29 - The Fusing Maestras!

        It's the first round in the Junior Youth section of the Maiami Championship. With Yuya and the others spectating, Yuzu and Masumi's rematch begins. Having being shamed by her opponent once during the school battle between Leo Duel School and You Show Duel School, Yuzu learned Fusion Summoning from Sora and became stronger. Seeing how Yuzu is improving, Masumi summons her True Ace Monster , and widened the gap in strength between the two duelists....

      • EP28 - Ayu's Entertainment Aquarium

        The Maiami Championship finally kicks off. Following Futoshi's smooth victory as the first representative for You Show Duel School, Ayu is next to duel for the Youth. Ayu's opponent is Reira, known as The Treasure of Leo Duel School . In contrast of the enthusiastic Ayu who receives the support of everyone, Reira seems to be afraid of something. While Reiji and Himika watch, Reira utilizes a strange strategy to copy Ayu's monsters.

      • EP27 - Opening!! Maiami Championship

        Finally, the Maiami Championship begins! Duellists from duel schools all around Maiami City gather, split into three classes - Youth, Junior and Senior.

      • EP26 - A New Boundary - Superheavy Koujin Susano-O

        Yuya is torn between his good friend and becoming a Pro. Noboru shows his Brand New Heavystrong Dueling to Yuya. Yuya, counting on the glimmer of hope for exceeding beyond Pendulum Summon that he has seen, moves forward with all his power.

      • EP25 - Steadfast Resolution!! Noboru Gongenzaka

        Reiji finally confronts the mystery surrounding the Leo Duel School attackers, which has been enveloped in unprecedented feelings of tension. Meanwhile with three straight wins in his qualifying games for the Junior Maiami Championship, Yuya finds himself fired up about the last match awaiting him. However, the opponent that Nico chose for his final match is Yuya's best friend Noboru Gongenzaka. Furthermore, Noboru says that this duel decides who will progress onto the championship. In a serious match between two best friends that neither side want to lose, Noboru shows off his new power to Yuya...

      • EP24 - The Wings of Rebellion: Raid Raptors

        The Leo Duel School continues on the search for the true culprit of the attacks, spearheaded by Reiji. Because of this, a duel is set between Shun against Masumi, Hokuto and Yaiba. Meanwhile, Yuto appears in front of Yuzu and reveals a series of shocking truths!

      • EP23 - Arcane Eye

        Yuya is fighting in a qualifier duel against Mieru, a Fortune-Telling duellist. He continues to desperately fight back and defend himself while trying to figure out her ominous prediction, but his strategies are shut down by Mieru, who can read the future, as he duels against her in this Divination Duel, and ends up finding himself unable to make any moves at all. Mieru, who sees that Yuya’s future will be terrible, urges him to surrender, but when Yuya, unable to do anything, draws a card...

      • EP22 - The Fortunetelling Girl, Mieru Hochun

        Yuuya challenges the fortune-telling girl Mieru Hochun to a duel, as his third one to earn the qualifications for the Junior Maiami Championship. Even at the beginning, Yuuya is already played around with by Mieru, who uses Reverse Summon monsters. Mieru even correctly predicts that Yuuya cannot see what is in front of him and launches a brutal assault with her pride-and-joy Ritual Monster, causing Yuuya to be unable to focus. Also, Mieru makes an inauspicious divination for Yuuya...

      • EP21 - Beyond the Pendulum

        Yuuya's got two straight wins in his attempt to officially qualify for the Junior Maiami Championship, but he still remains annoyed about Pendulum Summoning. The fact Reiji could also Pendulum Summon still bothers him. And despite Reiji raising the possibility of Pendulum Summoning evolving even further, he still hasn’t figured out how to do that or what Reiji even meant.Meanwhile, Masumi continues to frantically search for the culprit behind the attacks on members of LDS, and ends up encountering Yuzu and Sora who are in the middle of Special Fusion Summoning Training. However, Masumi’s aim is to have the mysterious masked duellist appear…

      • EP20 - A Difficult Question!? Attack Duel Quiz!!

        The Quiz Duel between Eita Kyuando and Yuuya enters an extra stage. Both of them travel on separate tracks in this Quiz field facing different Action Cards. In this stage, where answering a question wrongly will incur a punishment, Yuuya feels exhausted as he continuously answers wrongly. However...

      • EP19 - The Universe of Knowledge!! Eita Kyuando

        In order to qualify for the Junior Maiami Championship, Yuuya has to continually win in official duels. Nico Smiley has prepared for him a second duelist - a duelist in the Clarity Duel School named Eita Kyuando who has the nickname of Universe of Knowledge . Eita is an expert in the Action Field known as the Quiz Frontier . Duelling in this field, a series of difficult and bizarre quiz questions are asked of the duellists. Yuuya faces a problem when he cannot answer these questions correctly, landing him in a tough battle against Eita.

      • EP18 - The Two Shadows of Rebellion

        While Yuuya fights on to become qualified to enter the Maiami Championship, at Leo Duel School, Reiji researches Pendulum Summons. An attack on an LDS member happens for the third time. Shingo's father, a powerful man in the city and frustrated by the attack on his son, hunts down Yuuya. At the same time, a series of suspicious incidents happen around him. And before Yuuya, a new black shadow appears.

      • EP17 - An Exciting Performance!! A Fulfilling Meal!

        Yuuya faces a ferocious attack against Michio Mokota’s Cooking Duel. Fighting against Michio who concocts a perfect strategy with his recipes, Yuuya does not have enough stamina to obtain Action Cards as his stomach is empty... However, in the midst of the pinch, Yuuya meets with his savior, providing him with the stamina he needs to fight on. And then, with his Entertainment Duel, the counter-attack begins.

      • EP16 - Genius Master Chef "Michio Mokota"

        To gain eligibility to join the Maiami Championship, Yuya has to win 4 straight official duels. With the guidance of Nico Smiley, Yuya heads towards the Cuisine Duel School. There waits Michio Mokota, a cuisine duelist with high popularity among the housewives. Facing Michio's unique dueling style, how would Yuya counter-attack?

      • EP15 - The Aim is the Junior Youth Championship!!

        Yuya, feeling refreshed from his duel against Reiji, wants to join the Maiami Championship to become a pro duellist. However, he is frustrated when he is informed that he has no qualifications to join the championship. He goes off to find other duellists to duel against and meets Strong Ishijima's manager. Meanwhile, Yuzu, who has not recovered from her shock due to her defeat at the hands of Masumi, consults with Sora, while a familiar face lurks right near them.

      • EP14 - Hotblooded!! Shuuzou Theater

        Yuya, shocked by the fact Reiji could Pendulum Summon too, has yet to come to terms with the fact that Pendulum Summoning isn’t something only he can do. Shuuzou, the principal of the You Show Duel School, sees Yuya in such a depression, and decides to convey a message to his pupil by dueling with him. In the Duel Theater, that’s too hotblooded to ignore, Yuya slowly but surely realizes Shuuzou’s feelings and the point his principal is trying to make!

      • EP13 - Magical Savants Galilei & Kepler

        Somehow, Reiji Pendulum Summons and mounts an attack against Yuya. Yuya shows off his ability to Pendulum Summon, something he thought only he could do, and tries to counter-attack by Entertainment Dueling, but due to the sheer pressure from Reiji, he was unable to hide his shock. With You Show Duel School’s fate on the line, Yuya is extremely anxious.

      • EP12 - DDD: King of the Different Dimension

        As if responding to Himika’s voice when she suggests a way to settle the fight between You Show Duel School and Leo Duel School, Reiji finally appears, volunteering to be Yuya’s opponent. Though Yuya tries to hide how nervous he is, he promises to not forget his usual “cheerful and fun” Dueling style. Then the Duel starts and the strategy Reiji employs surpasses everyone’s wildest expectations.

      • EP11 - At One With The Sword!! Synchro User "Yaiba Todo"

        In the third Duel, You Show Duel School is represented by Noboru Gongenzaka while his opponent is Yaiba Todou from the LDS Synchro Course. Yaiba bounds around the field, all the while Synchro Summoning, as he tries to corner Noboru, who keeps himself planted on a single portion of the field. Everyone is blown away by the fact Noboru doesn't take a chance to get his hands on Action Cards. Meanwhile, he assembles a surprising strategy.

      • EP10 - Knight of the Secret Stone! Fusion User "Masumi Kotsu"

        The second match is a Duel between Yuzu Hiragi and Masumi Kotsu from the LDS' Fusion Course . However, Yuzu has doubts over whether or not Yuya might have been behind the attack on Shingo Sawatari or not, which causes her to hesitate and misplay during the Duel. And then this battle between Duel Schools reaches its conclusion in the third and final Duel.

      • EP9 - Judgment of the Stars! Xyz User "Hokuto Shijima"

        In order to get rid of the disgrace inflicted by the one responsible for attacking Sawatari, LDS and You Show Duel School kick off a Dueling War against one another. The first match is Yuya, who is eager to fight for You Show Duel School, and one of LDS’s representatives, Hokuto. Hokuto, from the very start of the Duel, brutally attacks Yuya with overwhelming power. Yuya suppresses his feelings towards Entertainment Dueling, and while he tries to fight back using Pendulum Summoning to win, he finds himself incapable of one-upping Hokuto…

      • EP8 - You Show School's Crisis!! LDS Invasion

        After Sawatari's Duel with the mysterious man who looks like Yuya ends with him taking a ton of damage from a monster made from an Xyz Summon, word of it reaches the ear of Akaba Reiji, the CEO of Leo Corporation. His mother, Himika, who just returned to the country, also receives a report about it. Followed by the elite of the Leo Duel School, she marches to the You Show Duel School that the criminal Yuya goes to. And they plan to...

      • EP7 - Imperial Outrage's Standard of Revolt! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!

        Sawatari, who lost to Yuya in a Duel before, hasn't forgotten the humiliation of being defeated, and plans to get his revenge, now that he has some new cards. In order to stop his scheme, Yuya's childhood friend, Yuzu, challenges him. But then a black shadow appears before the two, targeting them. The mysterious man brushes Yuzu aside and stops her from doing anything, and quietly begins his Duel with Sawatari. While Sawatari gets carried away with his new strategy, the mysterious man ignores him, and starts showing off a surprising power...

      • EP6 - The Innocent Toy: Death-Toy Scissor Bear

        Sora reveals his true colors when he performs a Fusion Summon! Yuya tries to fight back by Pendulum Summoning, but due to Sora's tactics and strategy, Frightfur Bear only gets stronger and ends up destroying Yuya's Odd-Eyes ! As Sora gets stronger and stronger, he tries to make Odd-Eyes' power his own. Can Yuya show him an Entertainment Duel ...!?

      • EP5 - An Aspiring Apprentice? Shiuin Sora's Peculiar Pursuit!

        “I wish to be your apprentice! The strange fanboy, Sora Shiun'in suddenly appears. This mysterious young boy, Sora, keeps following Yuya around. Enchanted with Yuya’s “Entertainment Duels”, Sora asks to become Yuya’s apprentice. Yuzu finds him adorable and even her dad, Skip Boyle, falls for the lil’ cutie pie! Finally giving into Sora’s persistence, Yuya fights him in a Duel. But will Yuya be able to show the difference between their strengths in an Action Duel!?

      • EP4 - A Ray of Hope! Block Spider

        In order to save Yuzu and the others who have been kidnapped, Yuya Duels Sawatari. However, he's shocked when he sees his Timegazer and Stargazer Magicians have been stolen and Sawatari's using them. And to make matters worse, Sawatari manages to build momentum, slamming Yuya with a barrage of brutal blows, cornering him. Yuya, remembering his father's words, decides to go on the counterattack, and in his hand is the very card Sawatari discarded! And it kicks off a full-blown 'Entertainment Dueler'!

      • EP3 - Dark Town: The Stolen Pendulum Summon!!

        A shadow approaches Yuya who is trying to master Pendulum Summoning with help from Yuzu and the gang. That shadow is Shingo Sawatari, a student of the Elite Duel School, LDS. Shingo claims he wishes to see Yuya’s Pendulum Summoning, but…!?

      • EP2 - The Strongest Evolution of Dueling!! Its Name Is Action Duel

        Yuya's challenged the reigning Champion Strong Ishijima to a Duel. But when he's driven into a corner with no way out, Yuya performs the never-before seen Pendulum Summon ... Yuya's battle with Strong Ishijima gives birth to Pendulum Summoning ! This drives the Stadium audience wild. After the match, the You Show Duel School is hit by a flood of applicants. Yuya Duels Yuzu in a test match to test his newfound Pendulum Summon, expecting a flood of cheers, but...!?

      • EP1 - Swing Into Action (1)

        Yuya Sakaki wants to become an entertainment duelisst. He practices dueling every day alongside his childhood friend, Yuzu. One day, he receives a challenge for an exhibition match from the Pro Duelist, Strong Ishijima . Although Yuya excitedly fends off his attacks in their Action Duel, he's eventually pushed into a corner.

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