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  • 小红帽恰恰 第67话
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Akazukin Chacha EP67 - Dread! Friday the 12th

Premiered: 1995-05-12



Chacha and her Urara Magic School classmates are camping out together with their teachers Rascal, Barabaraman and the principal. During the campfire the principal tells the tale of Jason (similar to Jason from Friday the 13th). Chacha, together with the girls from Banana class, Orin, Yakko, Mary, etc. sleep together in one cabin but Chacha and Orin have to go the bathroom. Yakko, tired of their noise, accompanies them to the washroom and guards the door. They encounter a masked man calling out "Jason" and a chase ensues, with Marin eventually getting caught (She was trying to sneak into Riiya's cabin). The girls discover Jason's cabin and finds his collection of masks, while Jason suddenly appears. However, Jason simply returns a seashell earring that Yakko dropped during the day and reveals that he is just a humble woodcutter that collects masks. The girls return to camp where their classmates and teachers tell them of how Jason wrecked the entire camp site. The girls realize that they were the cause, but can not bring themselves to confess the truth.

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Count: 0