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  • 小红帽恰恰 第45话
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Akazukin Chacha EP45 - Who's the Real One

Premiered: 1994-11-11



Chacha and friends are entering the dungeon, and Haideyansu and Yordas are convincing the resident mimic monster, Modoking, to stop Chacha. Chacha and her friends stumble across Yakko, who is looking for rare herbs only found in that dungeon. Chacha sees a mouse and run off down the passage, setting off a trap that traps her behind the wall. While Riiya is breaking down the walls that keep popping up, Shiine tries some magic but bumps another trap which puts him behind another wall where he steps on one of the mimics sent out by Modoking. Another mimic tricks Riiya into stepping on it in order to duplicate him as well.

Meanwhile, Chacha runs into Modoking. She calls out for Riiya and Shiine when Modoking begins to attack, and the show up just in time to help her transform. However, they do not say the transformation words correctly and she does not change into the Magical Princess. She runs away and triggers another trap leading into a cave full of molten lava, but Yakko saves her with a levitation potion just before she enters the lava. Modoking attacks again and she attempts another transformation. Again, it does not work and she flees again only to set off another trap. Yakko saves her again.

Riiya is still chasing after the food, which is being carried by one of the mimics. As he rounds a corner, he knocks Shiine into it and the mimic transforms into another Shiine. Realizing what has been happening, Shiine grabs Riiya and races back to where they last saw Chacha. Chacha is still trying to transform, but the fakes keep messing up the transformation with the wrong words. Suddenly, the real Shiine and Riiya burst through the ceiling of the cavern, knocking a huge boulder on top of Modoking. The fakes escape and Chacha really transforms this time and blasts Modoking with a Beauty Selene Arrow, making him disappear in a flash of light.

Just as they think everything is over, the Magical Princess steps on a piece of Modoking, transforming it into the Dark Princess. It summons a dark version of the Phoenix Sword, as well as a Bird Shield. Just when it looks like Modoking might win, Shiine distracts it long enough for Chacha to Attack with her Wing Kris Burning Flash and defeat Modoking. Once they get outside the cave, they find another coin.

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