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  • 小红帽恰恰 第43话
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Akazukin Chacha EP43 - Mission Accomplished! Bird Shield

Premiered: 1994-10-28



Mūra Māsa explains the origin of the three weapons. Magical Queen Joan I defeated the demons and did so by using the three weapons. His family of blacksmiths has held the secret for generations. The must go to the Eden Mine to find the sand, and it is a long dangerous journey to get there. Just before reaching the top of a mountain where they are going to camp, they find an old trumpeting man named Cloud who happens to be returning to Eden.

Haideyansu and Yordas spot them while they are crossing a bridge, and they notify the Daimaō that she is on the way to Eden. He instructs them to contact Kiyotōra, a demon who lives there, and let him handle Chacha. When Chacha and her friends reach Eden, the town is deserted except for a lot of stone statues of people among the ruined buildings. As they are looking around, they notice an old woman spying on them, but she runs away. They chase her and find out she is an old friend of Cloud's. She tells them a demon riding a tiger has been terrorizing the area. Anyone who defies him is turned to stone. She also tells them the deposits of Angel Iron Sand have been depleted.

While Chacha, Riiya, Shiine, and Mūra Māsa are investigating the mine, Kiyotōra raids the village again, and Bonnie (Cloud's friend) is turned to stone while protecting Cloud from being changed. Haideyansu and Yordas finally meet up with Kyotōra and give him the message from the Daimaō. Meanwhile, Cloud offers his trumpet, which is made from Angel Iron Sand, to Chacha so the Bird Shield can be made, and Mūra Māsa gets to work making the shield. He finishes it, but before Chacha can take it, Kiyotōra's giant tiger attacks them, leading them to where Kiyotōra is waiting.

Chacha transforms into the Magical Princess and summons the Phoenix Sword. Kiyotōra attacks, but Chacha blocks his first attack easily. He then transforms into a much larger version of himself (along with his tiger), and begins attacking with his giant spears which explode on contact. While the princess is trying to avoid Kiyotōra's attacks, Mūra Māsa tells her to use the shield. She looks over inside the building where it was being made and notices it beginning to glow. It floats up toward her and Mūra Māsa tells her to activate it by saying, "Bird Shield, Build Up!" She activates the shield and successful blocks a spear before dispatching Kiyotōra.

Once Kiyotōra is defeated, all the townsfolk return to normal and Chacha and her friends continue on their way.

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