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  • 以柔克刚 第79话
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Yawara! EP79 - Go For it Fujiko! First Place is Before the Eyes!!




Fujiko struggles mightly against her southpaw rival Obayashi and is losing on points, having suffered a big yuko. The crowd, however, is on her side, cheering for the "Beanpole," unlike her previous fight with Sayaka. Jigoro, though he has given her no training against lefties, believes that she will find a way to win if she wants it. Fujiko's parents relate her long "tragic" history of never coming in first place, no matter how hard she tried, and believe she will fail here too. Fujiko executes a come from behind ippon by finally grasping Obayashi's back collar, but it is ruled out of bounce. At the last second, Fujiko wins a yuko, and it is left to the judges' decision, and they ruled in favor of Obayashi. As a result, although she has been accepted to Saikai, she would not be going to the world championships in Yugoslavia. She tries to put up a brave face at the post-match celebration, and is overdrinking as usual to compensate, though it is Hanazono who gets drunk and kisses Shinnosuke by mistake while calling out, "Fujiko...swan!" Yawara offers to stay with Fujiko for the night, but Fujiko says she is all right and does not need company. At home Fujiko takes out her judo uniform and stares at it and cries bitterly. Yawara stands outside her door and is unable to call for her.

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