Yawara! EP42 - One Arm Shoulder Throw at the Disco!
Yawara and Itou decide to try their next job at the disco, using the excuse that they are study. ALthough Itou is afraid that her ballet training might be useless there, her dancing (to the music of Swan Lake) turns out to be a hit. However, the "Cheek Time" (close embrace dancing) discomfits Yawara, and when her patron tries to cup a feel, she instinctively throws him for an ippon. Itou begins to suspect that she has seen Yawara before, perhaps as a judoka. Yawara realizes that she really is not "normal," or at least does not react like a normal girl.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP64 - I, think I'll Try
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EP67 - The Huge Obstacle
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EP76 - I'm so Mad!!
Date: -
EP87 - Roar! Papara Pops
Date: -
EP89 - Unbeaten Myth!
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EP98 - First Kiss!
Date: -
EP110 - My Champion
Date: -
EP112 - Dad's appearance
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EP116 - Stupid body!
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EP117 - The best present
Date: -
EP119 - Bombshell!
Date: -
EP122 - The first prize
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EP123 - Deathmatch
Date: -
EP124 - That for so long
Extra Episodes
Count: 0