
Uchuu Senkan Yamato III EP24 - Secret of Planet Shalbart




The Yamato approaches a planet, which Ruda says is the gateway to a different dimension. As Ruda opens the gateway, Desler's fleet materializes behind the Yamato. As the ship approaches Shalbart, the sensors indicate that it is just like Earth.

Ryusuke suggests that they take Shalbart for a second Earth, but Susumu says that if they did, they would be no better than the Galmans or the Bolars. Meanwhile, both Galman and Bolar ships follow the Yamato. Susumu orders the Yamato to defend Shalbart. While Desler destroys the Bolar fleet in space, the Yamato's crew defeats the troops on Shalbart.

Susumu learns that Shalbart had a powerful array of weapons, but swore them off long ago, only wishing for peace. He tells Desler, who decides not to conquer Shalbart. Meanwhile, Ruda offers an extremely powerful cannon that she says can restore the sun. She bids the Yamato goodbye, then becomes the new Queen Shalbart. The Yamato returns to Earth with a renewed hope.

46 days remain before the sun destroys Earth.