
Uchuu Senkan Yamato III EP11 - Yamato Faces Danger at Cygnus




Near the planet Cygnus, the Yamato is caught in a space current containing several space tornadoes, and its port engine is malfunctioning. Engineer Tokugawa suggests that Analyzer help with diagnosing the problem. The engineers repair the engine, but too late for the ship to avoid going through the tornadoes. As soon as the Yamato emerges from the space current, Galman forces drop out of warp, surrounding the ship. Commander Kodai orders a counterattack, but the main guns are jammed, while Galman ships disable the fighter launch deck. Susumu orders that the main guns be operated manually.

To buy some time to complete repairs, Daisuke takes the Yamato behind an asteroid. Dagon contacts the Yamato, demanding unconditional surrender. The Yamato responds by firing on the Galman ships, destroying most of them. Dagon has his flagship and one other do a space warp, and the Yamato warps in pursuit. Upon leaving warp, the Galman ships catch the Yamato in tractor beams and pull it toward a black hole. To escape, the Yamato fires the Wave Motion Gun, causing both Galman ships to be pulled into the black hole and destroyed.

283 days remain before the sun destroys Earth.