
Uchuu Senkan Yamato III EP14 - Subspace Submarine Captain Galman Wolf




Commander Kodai makes a report to Earth, saying the Yamato has investigated several planets, but all are uninhabitable. Meanwhile, Galman Eastern Task Force commander Admiral Gaidel summons Commander Wolf Frakken, who is in charge of the "Wolf Pack", a fleet of space submarines. Smeardom tells Frakken what happened to Dagon and charges him with destroying the Yamato.

Frakken locates the Yamato and launches an attack with space torpedoes, but the Yamato is unable to locate the Galman ships. From an observation window, Ryusuke sees a periscope. He reports this to Susumu, saying he thinks the rest of the ship could be hiding in subspace. Impressed with the cadet's knowledge, Susumu reassigns him to the bridge.

The Yamato warps at the same time the Galman ships enter normal space. Frakken orders his ships to again submerge into subspace. Sanada works on a subspace sonar to help locate the Galmans while the Yamato damages some of the Galman ships. Frakken then launches another attack that injures Susumu.

207 days remain before the sun destroys Earth.