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  • 秦时明月之诸子百家 第6话
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Qin Shi Mingyue: Zhu Zi Bai Jia EP6 - The Trap of Destiny




Ge Nie killed a number of assassins. Tianming was fascinated by his power and wished to learn from him to kill the assassins. Ge Nie told Tianming that one should never try to become powerful just to kill the others. He wrote the character "Chivalrous" (侠 xia). He told Tianming the left part was a character "man" which meant the behavior of a man; the right was a big man carrying two small, so this character meant "the strong helping the weak". In the Machine City, Ge Nie wakes up and tells Tianming to be strong. Tianming cries grievedly, saying he can't lose his Uncle. Ge Nie thanks Tianming for his trust and understanding before he goes unconscious again. Tianming is furious with Wei Zhuang and the Mohists. Gao Jianli apologizes for misunderstanding Ge Nie before, and vows to protect Tianming and Ge Nie. Wei Zhuang catches Tianming and arranges three one-on-one battles. Only if the Mohists can win two of the three will Tianming be saved.


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