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  • 秦时明月之诸子百家 第3话
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Qin Shi Mingyue: Zhu Zi Bai Jia EP3 - Heirs of the Ghost Valley


Duration: 22:07


Ge Nie was stabbed in the back by Heiyu Qilin (Black Jade Unicorn) disguising as Tianming. Though he's wounded he insists on fighting Wei Zhuang. Ge Nie and Wei Zhuang are the two students of Guigu(Ghost Valley), the Directionist School, the most mysterious school, the winner between whose two heirs has the abilities to direct the fate of every kingdom under heaven. Twelve years ago, they were put into a test in which each of them was required to somehow stop two tigers running in opposite directions and save the two men tied up at the two ends of a hallway. Wei Zhuang killed the two tigers and saved one man while the other died. Yet Ge Nie managed to save neither because he tried to save both. Master Guigu told him that he would lose again if he failed to get over his kindness and become decisive.


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